Page 68 of Meet Again

“Always been it,” I whisper.

Her body sags against mine, and I tighten my hold.

“Let’s go before they get the wrong idea.” She steps back.

“As soon as you promise me, you’re okay now.” I lift my brows.

“Promise.” She draws an X over her heart.

“Good.” I drop a kiss on her forehead, and we head back to the living room.

All our friends pretend to look away, but they’re not very good at acting. I chuckle under my breath and take my seat.

I knock on Lex’s door and hope she doesn’t mind my unannounced visit. After last night, I need to spend as much time with her as possible. She’s been slowly letting me in, and I want to make sure I continue to knock down what’s left of the walls keeping me from fully being in her life.

“Uhh…” Lex swings the door open. She’s wearing a set of flannel pajamas that hide her curves, her hair’s a knotted mess atop her head, and her eyes are swollen, and yet she looks beautiful.

“Hey.” I slide my hands into my pockets and rock back on my heels.

“Hi.” She clears her throat. “What are—”

“I wanted to know if you want to have breakfast.” I beat her to it, interrupting her.

“Oh.” She looks down at herself as if realizing she’s in pajamas and back at me with her nose scrunched up.

“Did I wake you up?”

“No, I was awake, but my bed and I were having a love affair. It’s just like you to get in the middle of it.” She shakes her head in mock annoyance.

“I could say I’m sorry, but I’m not since I want to spend time with you,” I wink.

Lex rolls her eyes. “It was a good one, too. I was so comfy.” She scratches the side of her head.

“Well…” I look at her with raised eyebrows.

“Oh, sorry. Come in.” She shakes her head as if not fully awake yet, and I chuckle. I think she lied about being awake.

I lean in and sense her tense. After last night, I didn’t think she’d hesitate for a kiss on the cheek. I search her eyes and see panic. I smirk and brush my lips against her cheek and feel her body relax on a sigh.

“No need to get nervous.” I smile.

“Well,” she looks away. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet, soooo…” Her lips press together as red colors her cheeks.

Laughing, I pull her to my side. “I don’t care.”

“I do.” She pushes away from me and walks away. “I’ll be back.” She calls over her shoulder.

“Take your time,” I holler back, walking around her house. It’s cozy and inviting. Bright colors decorate the space, perfect for Lex. It reflects her joyful personality.

I stand before a collage with different wall art hanging behind her sofa. The abstract outline of a dancer catches my eye. It suits Lex. I used to love watching her dance, be in her element. She was fantastic, and I bet she still is. I’m sure she’s the best teacher with the amount of passion that fuels her career.

The pillow on her sofa reads, Chill Here, and I chuckle. Looking around her home gives me a glimpse into the Lex I don’t know. The woman who grew up and moved on.

A shelf adjacent to the sofa houses books and a plant that has seen better days. Curiosity guides my steps until I’m pulling out one of the books. Romance. That doesn’t surprise me. I riffle through the pages, feeling them tickle my thumb before placing it on the shelf again and grabbing another, taking in the colorful cover.

“I’m back.”

I jolt at her sudden words and slide the book into its place on the shelf before turning around. A smile covers my face when I see she’s changed into jeans and a sweater. Her hair is braided over her shoulder.