Page 53 of Meet Again

“Likely.” She nods.

“Hmm…nope, I don’t think so. It’s coming back to me now. We spoke. I told you I’d see you on Wednesday. You tried to correct me by saying Thursday, but I assured you it wasn’t a mistake. So, here I am on Wednesday,” I open my arms wide.

Lex giggles, shaking her head. When her teeth bite down on her bottom lip as she smiles, I walk closer to her.

“I wanted to see you.”

Her eyes round, her breath hitching. I reach for her hand and stroke my fingers against her knuckles. Lex shivers. I turn her hand over, caressing her palm before linking our fingers together. It’s like my pieces have snapped back into place.


“Hi,” she whispers.

“How are you?” I stand closer.

“Good. How was your trip?”

“Never-ending. I thought I’d never make it back and see you.”

“You exaggerate.” She rolls her eyes.

“It felt eternal. I kept thinking about you, and it made the trip seem slower. Thankfully Tristan kept me distracted.” My free hand smooths up the side of her neck and rounds the back of her head. I tug her to me, kissing her forehead.

My eyes close as I breathe her in, risking her rejection. Instead, Lex leans into me and sighs. When I lean back, I stare into her eyes and bring my hand to cup her face, stroking her cheek with my thumb. I want to take her lips in mine and remind her how good we are together.

Instead, her stomach growls, causing me to laugh.

“Oh, my goodness.” Lex steps back, breaking the contact and hugging her stomach. Her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“It’s okay.” I continue to laugh.

It growls again, and she widens her eyes before looking away.

“Goodness,” she mumbles.

“I’ve got a great idea. Let’s grab something to eat and fill that belly.” It’s the perfect opportunity, and I plan to grab it by the horns.

“How’d I know you’d say that?” She laughs.

“Because you know me well,” I smirk.

She takes a deep breath, her smile dropping.

“I did know you well. Do I still? I don’t know.” She shakes her head, moving around the dance room.

“Have dinner with me and make your own judgment. I’ll behave and won’t try to sway your opinion.” I keep my face straight.

“Right, since when have you never pushed the envelope a bit?” She raises an eyebrow.

“You see,” I clap and smile. “You do still know me. I’m the same guy, Lex.” I open my arms.

“Well, that’s not true. I have gotten more handsome and a bit stronger,” I flex my muscles. “The scruff is new, too.” I run a hand along my jaw.

“I’ve noticed,” she mumbles and snaps her wide eyes to mine.

I guffaw, closing the gap between us. “I heard that.”

“I didn’t mean to say it out loud.” She shakes her head, crimson once again flushing her face.