Page 47 of Meet Again

Hudson: Is it working?

Lex: Ugh

Hudson: It is! It’s me, Lex. I’m the same guy despite what you might think. Give me a chance to prove it to you and make up for the past

Lex: Fine

Hudson: You won’t regret it

Lex: I hope so

Hudson: I never should’ve let you walk away and I’ll always regret that

Lex: It was the wrong timing

Hudson: It didn’t have to be. We made it through high school and part of college. I just wanted us to be able to live our life without my parents shadowing us

Lex: They did anyway

Hudson: I know that now. I thought living away would give me the space I needed but realized that wasn’t the case

Lex: Well, yea you’re still working for your dad

Hudson: I know, I know. I was naive and hopeful

Lex: I can understand that

Hudson: So dinner when I arrive. I’ll let you know the exact day I get into town when I’m sure. Tristan showed up unexpectedly, so he’ll be heading to Hartville for Christmas too

Lex: Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen him since he graduated high school

Hudson: I know. It’s good to have him home for a bit

Lex: I bet. Enjoy your time with him

Hudson: Thanks Lex. I’ll talk to you soon

Smiling, I set my phone down again and work to a different tune. Knowing I’ll see Lex in a couple of weeks makes things look brighter. I plan to make this an unforgettable date and prove myself to her. I also have two weeks to figure out my next steps if I want a future with her. Hopefully, Tristan can provide some perspective.



I hang up the phone and stare at the screen full of apps. I can’t believe what just happened. I stand and dance around, still in shock but full of excitement. When I saw a call from a random number, I hesitated to answer because who wants to get stuck rejecting a telemarketer? It’s always awkward, and then I feel bad if I have to hang up on them.

But with the dance studio, I’ve learned to answer any call that comes in. It had been a while since I had spoken to Michelle, a girl I danced with growing up, though we always kept each other updated in our careers. She went on to dance professionally and later switched paths to teaching at a prestigious school.

It turns out that she’s organizing a big dance conference for dance students, and she asked if I’d want to teach one of the classes. They expanded the conference last minute, adding some extra classes.

She also mentioned that there would be workshops for dance teachers with new choreography trends that I’m more than welcome to participate in if I’m interested. As if I’d turn that chance down. SIGN. ME. UP.

This will be an amazing opportunity for my growth as a dancer and teacher and for the studio. It will expand our name and prestige and hopefully give my girls a chance to make it to one of these schools if they aim for that. I know Sarah would die for a chance to attend a school of the arts that will open doors for her to perform professionally.

An e-mail notification pops up on my phone from Michelle, and I read its contents before opening the conference program. Michelle originally thought of me to teach about small business dance studios and how to combine a passion for dancing with teaching and running a business. I’ll also have a chance to teach a ballet choreography to the group.

I have a month to prepare before I travel to New York. The irony isn’t lost on me. Hudson would get a kick out of hearing this, but this conference is one weekend. My life and career are in Hartville. I can’t lie, though. Being in New York with the possibility of seeing him and his life in the city makes my curiosity spike.

First, I need to get through dinner with him when he’s here for Christmas. My stomach flutters. I’ve been secretly giddy about seeing him since he mentioned he’d be back for the holidays. Hudson makes me feel that way, no matter how much I may try to avoid it. I think I’m past the point of hiding it, but I have to tread carefully. Our path has been covered in a land mine, and I don’t want this chance to explode in our faces.