Page 23 of Meet Again

“Argh!” I toss my head back. Rookie mistake.

Lex: No feelings. That’s what it says, spelled out. And no, it wasn’t supposed to be for you

Hudson: But you were talking about me, huh?

Lex: No

Hudson: It’s ok, you can admit it. Your secret’s safe with me *wink emoji*

Lex: You’re infuriating

Hudson: You used to like that about me

Lex: A long time ago

Hudson: Some habits are hard to break

Lex: I’m done with this convo. Spa day stays on Saturday. It’s our only girl time in the trip

Hudson: Don’t run off now when the convos getting good

Lex: Bye Hudson

I flip my phone over and close my eyes, mortification taking over. Hudson did not need to know that we were talking about him. Embarrassment fills me. If the earth could swallow me up right now, that’d be great. Knowing Hudson—if he hasn’t changed—he’ll bring up that text message the next time I’m forced to see him and make it a bigger deal than it is.

I stand and slip on my shoes. I need to take advantage of the weekend and grab groceries before laziness takes over, and I end up ordering takeout. Actually, I wonder if my mom or grandma cooked today. That beats takeout. I’ll call after running errands.

Fresh air will do me good, too. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and our town’s decorated to the brim. I love seeing all the stores adding to the holiday feel and sensing the magical energy that surrounds us this time of year.

Bundling up, I head out of my house and embrace the cold as I race to my car. The drive to the center of town is quick, and it seems people are tired of being cooped up. The town is bustling despite the colder temperatures we’re seeing this week.

Spying The Bean up ahead, I decide on some coffee before shopping. I’m craving their cinnamon twist latte, and it’s only available this time of year.

“Fancy seeing you here.” A deep voice washes over me as I’m making my way to the coffee shop.

I look to my left to see Hudson’s bright smile. It’s too soon to face him after that text message disaster. I put on a mask of annoyance and avoid looking directly at him.

“Are you following me?” I narrow my eyes.

“Of course not. I’m staying at the inn, and the room gets suffocating after a while.”

“You’re staying at the inn?” I scrunch up my nose.

“Yup.” He walks beside me.

“Why don’t you stay at your house?”

“Correction, my parents’ house.” He lifts a hand as if making a point or objecting in court.

“Same thing.”

“Nope, it’s not. Anyway, I canceled the brunch reservations.”

“Really?” I stop, tilting my head and looking directly at him now.

“Yeah, you were right. I know you ladies want to have an uninterrupted spa day, so brunch can wait.”

“Just like that?” I cross my arms.