Page 12 of Meet Again

“We have a little less than three months to plan this with the holidays in between, and February is a huge skiing month in Winford. If we don’t hurry, we may risk not finding rooms for Hope and Toby’s preferred weekend.”

“You have a point.” He nods, skimming the information.

“I know,” I grin.

“Always so modest,” he chuckles. “I was thinking we could stay at the Astoria Resort. I know the manager and have been there a few times. The suites are spacious, and it has a penthouse, which would accommodate everyone.”

“We’re staying in separate rooms.” I address that part of it first. “I was thinking two suites, but Astoria is one of the most expensive ones in the area. Not everyone has your budget.” Namely me, but I know Ellie would also struggle to afford her share of a suite in a hotel like that one. And we’d be paying for Hope. I need to talk to the other girls going, but I know we all have a budget in mind.

“Compared to another hotel, it’s not that big of a difference, and the manager will cut us a deal. It’s a nicer resort, all the amenities are top-notch, and it has a renowned spa.” He explains this so calmly.

“You don’t get it. Some of us have to save up money starting three months ago for a trip like this.”

“Don’t say no before I have all the details. Let me get a price.” He pulls out his phone without waiting for my response.

Annoyed, I bite my tongue and grab my notebook. The other hotels I found are great, and we’d fit comfortably in their suites within our budget.

“I messaged him. I’ll let you know what he says when he gets back to me.”

I shake my head, feeling inadequate. Once again, I’m not on his level. His parents always rubbed it in my face, and unintentionally, so did Hudson. He’s doing it again. It’s as if he’s oblivious to the financial differences between him and most of the people in town. Only a small circle can reach Hudson’s wealth. Our circle of friends is not it.

“What else do you have?” He leans forward on the small round table.

“Here you go.” The barista smiles before I have a chance to speak.

“Thank you,” I smile at her. Without another word, I take a drink of the hot latte, allowing it to comfort me.

Hudson is staring at me expectantly. “I’m waiting…” His voice holds a teasing ring to it.

“For? You already took control. Why don’t you tell me what other ideas you have.”

“Lex,” he sighs.

“It’s true. You come in, take over like you always do, and don’t consider what other people may want or be able to afford.” I lower my voice when I realize I’m drawing attention to us. It’s part of the Cuban flare, or curse at times—talk loud and with my hands.

“I do consider it. We won’t be paying full price. It doesn’t hurt to find out all of our options. If it’s the same as one of the other suites you found, which hotel would you choose?” He gives me a pointed look.

“Well, until we know, all my current research is null and void. I made plans revolving around the hotels I found as options. I called those hotels with questions.”

“So let’s look up this one and search what they have to offer, add it to the list.” I’ve never in my life felt inadequate except around Hudson’s family. Now, I feel that way around him, too.

Shaking my head, I say, “How about you find that information out, and then you let me know. I need to get going.” It’s too much, sitting here with him, memories and insecurities from the past resurfacing. I need space.


“I gotta go, Hudson. Let me know what your friend says. I don’t want to do double the work, and you’re set on staying at this place, no matter the cost.” I stand, grabbing my latte and notebook.

I keep my head held high as I walk outside, the cold fall air burning my face. It’s a relief, cooling me down and helping me see clearly. Maybe I was too harsh with Hudson, but our relationship was never easy, and today has been a reminder of it.

Maybe we were doomed from the start, but the teen in love was blind to the harsh reality of life.

“Hey,” Hope says when I answer the call.

“Hi, what’s up?” I cradle the phone between my ear and shoulder as I open the back door to the studio.

“How’d it go today with Hudson?”

“Ugh,” I grunt, pushing the door open and carrying my bag into my office.