Page 103 of Meet Again

Close call.

Staring out the window, I see people dressed in all styles walking in front of me. Central Park is across the street, with looming buildings creating a backdrop behind it. I look over at Hudson, and he seems so at ease here. I can see how he fits in. And I wonder what that means for us.



After checking in to the hotel yesterday, Hudson took me to Chelsea Market, where we ate the best tacos ever (though I’ll never tell that to the owners of El Jefe in Hartville) and walked around looking at the different shops. It was amazing, and I was sad to say goodnight to Hudson at the end of the evening.

Even after waking up in Manhattan this morning, it still feels surreal to be here. My stomach flips as nerves pulse through me. I’ve spent weeks preparing for today, and I’m scared I’m going to blank out, forget the choreography, or throw up in front of everyone. Or all three plus some bonuses I can’t even think of at the moment.

At least it’d make me memorable. I cringe at that thought and take a deep breath.

I look at myself in the mirror again and nod at my reflection.

“You’ve got this, Lex.” I high-five myself in the mirror and then laugh as I stare at the ceiling. I’m so ridiculous.

Grabbing my bag with all my notes, I look at the directions on my phone and get ready to follow them. The school shouldn’t be more than ten minutes away if I don’t get lost.

When I step out of the hotel, I pause. So many people are already buzzing about this early in the morning. It’s a stark contrast to Hartville. We may not be a tiny town, but we’re by no means a city, let alone one of this massive size.

I take a deep breath and focus on the directions. I want to arrive early, so I have time to talk to Michelle and settle in.

A deep sigh escapes me when I see the school in front of me. “Thank goodness I didn’t get lost.”

My heart pounds like an angry hammer as I walk inside. I look up at the high ceilings before searching my way around the hallways.

“You’re here!” A loud squeal surprises me.

I smile when I see Michelle rushing toward me with open arms. Her long hair is half-up, and she’s wearing a pencil skirt and blouse.

“It’s so good to see you.” Her smile is genuine.

“You too. Gosh, it’s been so long.”

“I know. How are you? How was your trip here?”

My eyes widen, and she laughs.

“I know, driving in this city is crazy. I’m so glad they have great public transportation.” She waves her hand in the air.

“Anyway, let me show you around. You have a room where you’ll teach. It’s set up with chairs already and a laptop for you to project your presentation.”

“Great. Will I be able to move the chairs when I teach the choreography?” We walk down the impressive hall with totally modern architecture. I look around in awe, passing a flurry of people who excitedly wave at Michelle.

She smiles at all of them but keeps her attention on our conversation.

“Yes, you’re set up in a classroom, so during a break, they’ll come and help you clear the room. It’s all lined out in the schedule.” She flips through a stack of papers and pulls one out for me. “Here.”

I read through it, taking in the different times.

“You’ll have time to participate in one of the classes if you want. Let me know which one you choose that fits with your teaching schedule.”

“Thanks. I’m so excited about that.” I read through the schedule. Mine is highlighted for me already, which I’m grateful for.

“I’m nervous,” I admit.

“Don’t be. You’re a pro. It’s going to be amazing. People are excited about your topic and learning how to blend dance with business. It’s unrealistic every dancer will make it professionally, and they love the idea of knowing what to do in case they’d want to teach or run their own studio.”