Page 96 of Meet Again

“Tell me something, anything.” I lift my legs to the coffee table.

“Well, I’ve got an opening tomorrow for a condo. I already told you that,” he chuckles. “Tristan is still set on making my parents give him his trust without conforming to their demands.”

“That’ll be interesting.” I lift my brows.

“I know. I’m kind of afraid of what he’ll come up with.” Hudson shakes his head. “It’s on him, though. Honestly, he deserves the money. It’s his fund.”

“I agree, but your parents have rules for it.” Not that I agree with those rules. Tristan wants to use the money to do something good in the world and leave his mark. I would think any parent would be proud of that, even some stuck-up ones like the Remingtons.

“I know,” Hudson sighs. “But let’s talk about us.” He waggles his eyebrows. “I’ve got so many plans for when you’re here.”

“It’s just three days, Hudson. And I’ll be at the workshop.” I don’t know how we’re going to be able to spend so much time together regardless of being in the same city.

“I know, but we’ll make it work. We’ll do the cool New York stuff, not all the touristy stuff.”

“I wanna see some of those so-called touristy things,” I argue.

“We will, but there’s so much more to show you. Leave the planning to me. Just email me your schedule.” Determination lights his eyes. “Besides, you get in on the twelfth and have that entire afternoon to spend with me.”

He has a point. Since the workshop is early on the thirteenth, I’m traveling the day before. A smile takes over. I can’t help but love the way he wants to do this, show me the area, make it special.

We spend the rest of the evening talking until we’re both yawning nonstop. After a prolonged goodbye similar to the one we had in person before he drove off, we hang up, and I get ready for bed.

One day down, nine to go. I can handle that.



“Hudson.” My dad’s firm tone makes me roll my eyes. I run a hand down my face and lean forward on my desk.

“I’ve been calling you since yesterday.” His intonation is accusing. He called me twice. The first time I was at Lex’s house saying goodbye. The second time I was video chatting with Lex and not about to hang up with her to speak to my father.

“I had two missed calls, and it was impossible to get back to you. How can I help you?” I lean back in my chair. The springs squeak as my weight pushes it back.

“I need you to go to Texas this month. I’ve got some properties for you to scoop out. You’ll have to fly out on the tenth and stay for some meetings until the fifteenth.”

I sit up, the chair almost rolling from under me. “Excuse me?” There’s no way I’m traveling during those dates.

“Are you not listening to me?” He bites.

Moments like this are when I question why I work for my father.

“Of course I am, but how am I just hearing of this?”

“It just came up,” he clips.

“Well, I’ve got some things going on those dates. Scott can go.” My jaw tightens.

“No can do. You need to go. You’re the Remington. Scott will handle other affairs.” He keeps his words measured but direct.

“What is this for? What properties?” Since I haven’t heard about any Texas properties, I’m curious as to why the urgency.

“They’re vast pieces of land. A developer wants to buy them, and he’s willing to pay big money to get what he wants. And he wants us to handle it.”

“Like I said, I’ve got a few things going on those days.” I refuse to back down and miss this opportunity with Lex.

“Change them. This is business, and it always comes first.” His harsh tone throws me back. My father is all about business. He wouldn’t know actual friendship or love if it slapped him in the face, but this is beyond his normal attitude.