Page 92 of Meet Again

“I wouldn’t trade this for the world.” A sweet smile creeps up his lips and makes my heart bang wildly.

While everyone is admiring the performances on the TV, I’m admiring the man in front of me.

“Let’s hurry,” he says, breaking the spell.

I nod and grab the plates with cookies and cupcakes, setting them on the dining table so everyone can grab what they’d like. Then, I serve small glasses with the crema de vie while the popping of cork creates background music.

“This is delicious.” Ellie grabs the small glass and tilts her head back after taking a sip.

“It is.” I nod, sipping my own.

“I think I’m gonna come spend every holiday season here so I can eat and drink at your house,” Tristan says. “Better yet, tell Mama Leon I’m moving in.” He laughs.

“She’d probably love that,” I throw back.

My mom loves entertaining and having people over. She’d be over the moon.

“Good, I may need a place to stay.”

I look at Hudson and silently ask for clarification, but he shrugs.

“He’s been vague about things lately.”

I nod and drink more of my sweet drink before grabbing a mini red velvet cupcake. All of the food today has been amazing. I much rather have snacks like this than a full meal. It allows me to eat everything I want and not settle for just one dish.

“It’s almost time,” Jody claps.

Everything becomes a flurry as everyone calls out in excitement. Ellie and Cassie squeal. Jody dances around.

“I’ll grab the champagne.” I move back into the kitchen to find Hudson already serving the glasses.

“Thanks, babe.” I kiss his shoulder and grab two, so I can hand them out.

Time passes so quickly as we all prepare for the final countdown. Excitement bounces off the walls as if we were kids again. We may be a small group of friends, but it feels like my house is full of love and happiness.

I don’t need to look back to confirm Hudson is behind me. I can sense him, tingles moving down my spine. His arm wraps around the front of my shoulders and pulls me toward him, kissing the top of my head.

“Ten… Nine…” People start to count down, and Hudson turns me so that I’m facing him.

My eyes collide with his, intense green swimming with emotions that penetrate me.


The rest of the countdown fades as I keep my eyes trained on his. Unspoken words pass between us. Everything I loved about him crashes back into me at warp speed. The way he made me feel. The way he’d protect me and make me laugh, and help me study for math when I thought I’d fail my exams.

He was everywhere in my life, and then he was gone.

Now, I’m back in his arms. He’s back in my life. We’re getting another go-around, and I don’t want him to leave for New York the day after tomorrow. The thought of it makes my chest ache. I’ve gotten so used to seeing him every day these last few weeks. Even when he was first here and I didn’t want to see him. He was an odd vision in Hartville when he came for the engagement party. Then, he became a fixture I got used to seeing, no matter how much it annoyed me.

It changed. Somehow he seeped back into my life, and here we are. Tears well in my eyes, and my attempt to blink them away is futile. The seconds slow down as his thumb brushes my tears away, and he leans his head down.

“I love you, Lex. I always have.” His lips land on mine before I can fully comprehend his confession.

My pulse takes off in a marathon sprint like the Tasmanian Devil when he tornadoes. More tears fill my eyes. I grip the back of his shirt and cling on to this moment, the perfection of it, the gentle way his lips brush against mine, and his stubble scrapes my face—his warmth and love.

I’m overwhelmed by this man, in a good way. In a complete way, that fills me up, and I feel like I’m going to burst at the seams with joy.

When he leans back and looks at me, a small smile tugs at his lips. I’ve been silenced. Mute. Ideas race through my head, but nothing comes out. Before I have a chance to react, I’m pulled away, and he’s pulled into a hug by Tristan.