Page 84 of Meet Again

“Do you like it?” he whispers.

“I love it.” I smile through my emotions.

“I wanted to remind you of better times, times where I gave you all of myself selflessly. I also wanted you to remember how much I still care. My biggest regret is that you didn’t feel the way the song says. You were and still are everything I want.”

At this point, the tears are trailing down my cheeks, but Hudson continues to put his heart out there.

“I hate the way my parents have treated you. I don’t care what they think. I don’t care what they say. You are the most beautiful woman I know, the kindest and strongest. Never forget that.” His fingers wrap around mine and hold on tight.

Mute, I nod through my tears with a small smile.

“Here, open your gift. I’m warning you now. It’s not as meaningful as this.” Suddenly my gifts feel dwarfed in comparison.

“I’m going to love it. I know it.” He rips out the tissue paper and grabs the candle first.

A booming laugh comes from him as he reads the label and then opens the lid. He inhales and closes his eyes.

“It does smell just like you.” His eyes meet mine. “I’m going to have to buy this in bulk because I’ll miss you a lot. Good thing is that two weeks after I’m back in New York, you’ll be there.” He winks. “I’ve got big plans for us.”

“There’s more.” I lift my chin toward the bag.

When he pulls out the t-shirt, his eyes widen.

“Wow,” he breathes out. “This is a blast from the past.” He holds the shirt open.

“Do you like it? I thought it’d be a nice memory to have, but this is easily worn, unlike an actual jersey,” I jabber.

“You even added the heart. I still have my jersey, you know?” He looks at me over the top of the shirt.


He nods and turns the shirt around. “This is…perfect.” He smiles and leans forward to kiss my cheek.

“I’m glad you like it.”

Hudson drops the shirt on his lap. His eyes pierce mine in a soul-searching stare. “I love it, Lex. You have no idea…to know that we’re in this place again but wiser.” He bows his head. “I dreamed of it but thought it an impossibility.”

He sets the candle on my coffee table and tugs me closer to him until his arms are wrapped around me. He inhales deeply, and I’m so glad I showered before we exchanged gifts.

“I want this to work out more than anything.” His words are low and gruff.

“We’ll find a way,” he assures me, yet my heart bangs chaotically at the idea of him returning to New York in ten days. I want to make the best of the time he’s here, and I pray we can make it through this second time.

His parents don’t like me. I’m not sure why, but I assume it has a lot to do with not being rich and from high society. They see marriage as a business deal, and well, I don’t have anything to offer them in that matter. I’m also Hispanic, which I’m sure is an issue, though they’ve never voiced it outright.

Growing up, I was a minority in Hartville. My parents always worked hard and made our family proud. For the most part, they were welcomed, although some people always turned their noses down on us. Those aren’t the people I need or want in my life. Unfortunately, Hudson’s parents fit on that list. Unless he breaks away from them completely, which I’d never ask him to do, I don’t see how we could move forward without it getting between us again.

“Hey,” he tightens his arms around me. “I feel sadness. Don’t want that, not today.” His hands reach for my ribs and tickle me.

“Ahh…” I call out and laugh. “Stop.” I gasp for air and try to break away from him.

A loud snort comes from me, which causes him to guffaw. It gives me the escape I need. Looking at Hudson laugh so freely reminds me of the boy I loved once. Despite the obvious dislike from his parents, we cared for one another like few teens do.

“That’s better,” he says when he finally catches his breath. “Now, any chance you made a smaller red velvet cake that I could try today?” His eyes light up with hope.

“Not a chance. You’ll have to wait ‘til tomorrow.” I shrug with pursed lips, hiding my smile. “But, we could go to The Bean and have peppermint hot cocoa and one of their pastries. Or!” I lean forward excitedly, my voice loud. “We could get the peppermint cocoa and go to Sweetness for a slice of pie.”

Hudson chuckles and shakes his head. “Fine, I’ll be patient for the red velvet.”