Page 64 of Meet Again

My body moves of its own accord until we’re inches apart. His gaze flickers from my eyes to my lips, and I can smell his woodsy cologne from here.

“Argh!” He yells and jumps to his feet. “Sorry.”

I look up in a daze, confused, until I find a wet coffee spot on the floor and on his jeans.

“How did that happen?” I shake my head.

“I don’t know. The cup slipped from my hands, apparently.”

I guffaw, falling back on the floor.

“Not funny,” he grumbles.

I stand and grab napkins from the cupboard and hand them to him. I don’t think wiping the wet spot on his thigh would be a good idea—just like it wasn’t when the pie landed on him on Thanksgiving. My laughter continues to resonate around the space, especially after seeing how uncomfortable Hudson is.

“Thanks.” He shakes his head.

“I’ll clean the floor.” I head into the bathroom, where I have the cleaning supplies stored as well. Most of the coffee landed on him, so the floor is a quick wipe.

Hudson’s attempt at cleaning his jeans is not as successful.

“I should go change. Hopefully, this wet spot doesn’t freeze on the way to the inn.”

I laugh again, unable to hold it back. The brown spot is impossible to miss.

“Thankfully, I have a long coat.” He looks down at it and back at me.

“I’m sorry, but it’s hilarious.”

“It would’ve been worth it if I had kissed you like I wanted to.”

“Well, now, you would’ve dirtied my clothes, and I still need to finish working.” I cross my arms and arch my eyebrow. I was also hoping for a kiss when we inched toward each other.

“How about a kiss now to make me feel better?” He pouts.

“You’re ridiculous, trying to con me into a kiss.” I roll my eyes.

“Will you at least be my date tonight? Even if I smell like a giant coffee?” He waves a hand down the front of his body.

“Hmm…I am a coffee lover.” I step toward him, holding on to his biceps. His muscles flex as his eyes stare into mine.

“Yeah,” he nods quietly.

Getting on my tip-toes, I press my lips to his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight, Hudson.” I step back and smile. The way he’s looking at me gives me chills.

“Tonight, Lex. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“I’ll be ready,” I wink.

“Are you nervous?” Hudson beams before knocking on Toby’s door. His smile brightens his face. Joy radiates off him, and I suspect it’s because of the statement we’re about to make. Although, with the rumors going around town, our friends shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, they’re all my friends. It’s not like I’m meeting Hudson’s for the first time.

I wouldn’t say I’m nervous, except I’ve got wild butterflies banging against my stomach. I’m excited to see my friends and unwind after some crazy couple of weeks. I’m happy to see Hudson. Combining those two things just makes for unknown expectations that give me a bit of the jitters. Of course, I won’t admit that to Hudson.

“Absolutely not.” I shoulder the canvas bag that’s holding the baked brie I made.

He arches a brow and tilts his head incredulously.

“Fine,” I sigh and drop my arms dramatically. “I’m not nervous. I’m…anxious.” I scrunch up my face.