Page 51 of Meet Again

Hudson: You talking about me?

Lex: No. Hope brought it up at lunch today

Hudson: You wound me

Lex: I try

Hudson: Lol you still have the same sarcastic humor

Lex: You bring it out

Hudson: I’ll take that as a compliment

Lex: Whatever you want

Hudson: So dinner when I get back. You and me, no excuses. I arrive on Wed. Are you free Thurs?

Lex: I close the studio at eight. Why don’t we do Saturday?

Hudson: Because I don’t want to wait to see you

I stare at his message while my heart thunders. Is he serious? Could it be that Hudson never got over me either? All this time, I was sure he had moved on, found someone else who would fit his lifestyle, and be accepted by his parents.

Hudson: Hello? Did I lose you?

Lex: Sorry no. I’m here. Thursday works

Hudson: Good. I can’t wait to see you, Lex

Lex: Yea…

Hudson: “I can’t wait to see you either, Hudson”

Hudson: Wow thanks. I’m so glad you’re also excited

Lex: Ha-ha

Hudson: Don’t ruin my fantasy

Lex: Never

Hudson: I’ll see you Wed

Lex: Thursday

Hudson: Sure, whatever you think *wink emoji*

I roll my eyes, but a huge smile has conquered my face. He’s definitely making it a point to show me he’s thinking about me, and I love every second of it. It doesn’t erase the pain of the past, but holding resentment only makes me miserable. I now have no doubt he’ll show up at the studio on Wednesday. The idea of seeing him sooner than I thought makes my entire body buzz, and butterflies fly rampant in my belly.

I was naïve if I thought I could see Hudson again and not feel an ounce of emotions. If I thought I could look at him in the eyes and feel indifference. I’ve always been weak when it comes to him, and I don’t hate it. He gets me. At least, he used to get me. If he’s back in my life, I owe it to myself to see if there’s something deep that still sits between us.

Lex, you’re in deep trouble. If I feel this way after a few text message conversations and a dance in the snow, once he brings out his charms, I’ll be putty in his hands.

″Alexa, turn off these feelings,” I call out in the studio and drop my head against the wooden barre in the dance room.

″I can’t find a device under the name These Feelings,” Alexa responds like the trained AI she is, but even she can’t find a solution to the mess in my head. Considering we have the same name, it’s like I’m talking to myself. I laugh at her response and shake my head.

I scramble when I hear a knock on the door and move toward it to unlock it.