Page 44 of Meet Again

“You better not dirty any of my papers.”

“Impossible. They’re stacked neatly, and your desk is impeccable. It’s clear you’re the oldest child,” he laughs.

I begin walking again. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. About that bagel?”

“I’ll do you one better. Meet me at that burger joint we went to for your birthday three years ago.” I make a left, switching routes.

“Ah, now you’re talking. See you there in a bit.” Tristan hangs up.

I haven’t seen my brother in over a year while he’s been busy living the nomad life. Looking forward to spending time with him, I pick up my pace and hope the restaurant isn’t packed. I could use some time with someone who isn’t involved in my job. My friend, Jameson, is usually around to talk, but he’s blissfully enjoying his new relationship, and I don’t want to be the Debbie downer in his life.

After returning from Hartville, something’s been missing, and I know it’s Lex. My conversation with Toby has also been on repeat in my mind, slowly chipping away at my resolve to put my dream of creating a sports app to rest.

I grab one of the few empty tables at the restaurant and check my phone while I wait for Tristan to arrive. The office is a few blocks away, so he shouldn’t be too long.

I read through my recent text message conversations with Lex. They’ve been straightforward about how our days have been. I put myself out there, but I need to prove to her that things could be different this time. I’m not sure how to do that. I can’t just quit my job without having something else lined up.

“Hey.” Tristan slaps the table, causing me to jolt and look up at him.

I stand and hug him, clapping his back. “It’s good to see you.”

“Same, big bro.” He grips my shoulder and smiles at me.

His hair is longer and messy. His skin is tanned despite it being December. He looks as if he hasn’t aged, with the same boyish style he always had.

“How are you?” He asks when he takes a seat.

“All good here. Working before taking a few days off for Christmas. You know how this time of year can be unpredictable.” People either stop searching for properties or rush to buy something before Christmas so they can celebrate in their new home. It’s crazy, in my opinion, but I’ll never turn down the chance for a sale.

“Yeah,” he nods. “You sure you’re okay?” He narrows his eyes.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I laugh.

“Because when we spoke a few weeks ago, you didn’t sound completely okay. How did things with Lex finish up?”

I shrug, flicking the corner of the menu with my thumb.

“Complicated,” I finally say.

“Ah, I expected that. Tell me what’s going on. I can help.” He leans back with his hands behind his head.

I scrub a hand down my face, collecting my thoughts.

“I told her I missed her, that I think about her every day. Things are complicated, though.”

“As you already said.” He smirks. “You know what I think?” He leans forward on his elbows and stares at me.

“You gotta stop caring what Mom and Dad think. Forget it, man. I’ve learned that if they don’t support us, it’s a sign of their character, not ours. Live your life. Trust me, it’ll make you a lot happier.”

“I know you have a point, but it’s my career we’re talking about.”

“And you can separate your career from your personal life like everyone else.” He shrugs as if it were common sense. Maybe to most people, it is.

“Did you know that Mom and Dad tried to interfere in Lex renting the dance studio? Toby told me recently. Apparently, they tried to buy it from the owner, attempting to make Lex lose the opportunity. Instead of renting, she was forced to buy at a higher price so Mom and Dad couldn’t steal it from her.” I still can’t believe that. Toby wouldn’t lie to me, but I can’t comprehend why my parents would go through that trouble.

“Why in the world would they do that?” His eyebrows dip, confusion written all over his face.