Page 122 of Meet Again

“I love it,” she nods, walking in and looking around.

“Me too.”

“I’m here to help. Toby and Hope will be by later after a meeting for their wedding.”

“Thank you. Tristan should be here this afternoon, too.” I place the tray on the countertop and smile.

“No need to thank me. Put me to work.” She claps her hands.

“Breakfast first?” I lift my brows.

“Ah, yeah. I brought some pastries from The Bean. There was a new barista.”


“Yeah,” Lex shrugs. “Anyway, pastries, coffee, and work.”

We do just that. Opening boxes is overwhelming, but Lex tackles each one with determination. Once my kitchen is clean and stocked, I wipe my forehead with my t-shirt. It’s cold as heck outside, but this apartment and unpacking are making me sweat.

“Let’s go have lunch before Toby and Hope arrive. I need a break.”

“Are you sure? We can order something?” Lex looks around at the opened boxes spilling with my belongings.

“I’m positive. If I stay in here, I’m going to go mad.”

Her sweet giggles make me smile. “Grouchy and hungry. That’s a deadly combination.” She saunters over to me.

“Come on, let’s get you fed.” She quirks a brow, and it makes me want to kiss her silly. Unfortunately, I don’t have time for that right now. I’ll be able to spend as much time with her as I want once this place is in order.

“Let’s grab subs from the deli. It’s not far from here, and I could use a walk.”

“In the snow?”

“It’s not snowing right now. Besides, isn’t that your favorite?” I angle my head and raise my eyebrows.

“Yeah.” She nods. “But if I slip on a patch of ice, I’m bringing you down with me.”

“Wouldn’t expect anything less.” I laugh and reach for her hand, dragging her out of my apartment and into the cold outdoors. A deep breath fills my lungs.

“I need to buy some artwork for the walls, make it my home. My apartment in New York was plain, so I didn’t have any to bring with me.”

“We can go to different stores. The antique shop might have some cool options.” She gives me her best smile.

“You and your antiques,” I laugh.

“Excuse me.” My head snaps up at the familiar icy voice.

I stop, staring at my parents on the sidewalk. Lex’s hand tightens around mine, and I love that she doesn’t let go as if we were caught doing something bad.

“Hudson,” my father nods.

“Dad.” I keep my expression serious.

“I see you’ve decided to downgrade in all aspects of your life,” my mother’s face sours as her eyes scan over Lex.

I scoot to block her and stare at my mom. “If choosing to love someone who accepts me unconditionally is a downgrade, then I should’ve downgraded a long time ago.” My jaw ticks, fire blazing in my veins. I take a deep breath and remind myself that she’s my mother.

My mom scoffs in response and rolls her eyes. “Soon, you’ll realize she’s not good enough. You need someone who is going to take your career to the next level. She probably convinced you to quit and move back.”