Page 120 of Meet Again

“What?” I screech.

“It’s time I start my life with you. If you’ll have me.”

Disbelief freezes me until I repeat his words in my head and snap out of it.

“Of course.” I stand, the chair falling backward. I don’t bother to fix it and round the table. Hudson laughs, pushing his chair back.

“Is this really what you want? I witnessed you in New York. You fit there.”

“It’s what I want. These last few months, I’ve realized how much I miss Hartville, my friends. The office is small, and it’ll take me some time to get started. I did promise my father I wouldn’t take any of his clients. It’s not the type of clientele I’m aiming for anyway.”

“That’s very loyal of you.”

His hands move to my waist.

“We’ll make this work. A real chance. No selfishness or demands or resentment. Clean slate.”

“I like the sound of that.” I nod, searching his eyes for any sign of sacrifice on his part.

“You promise this isn’t you giving up because you feel guilty and want to please me?”

“I want to please you, but no, this isn’t about that. I’ve had time to think. Tristan talked some sense into me, too. It’s what I want. I also want to work on merging technology with my business. An app where people can view a home as if they were present. Like a walkthrough instead of photos. It’ll take lots of work, but I’m excited about the idea.”

“That would be amazing, especially if someone’s moving to a new city.” I hold on to his shoulders.

“I think so, too. I have a friend from college who might be able to help.” He nods. “We’re okay then?”

“Yeah.” I take a deep breath. “We’re definitely okay.”

“Good. Let’s finish our pizza and decorate this suite.” He pulls my head down and drops a chaste kiss on my lips before giving me the most amazing smile in the world. This one does twinkle all on its own.

My heart soars, my own smile covering my entire face. This is not what I was expecting, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it—Hudson in Hartville. I love the sound of that.



I wasn’t sure Lex would hear me out. I was terrified and banking on cold pizza and the hope she still cared enough to give me another chance. They say the third time’s the charm for a reason.

When I saw her in the suite, I swore my heart was going to race out of my chest. She looked sad and stunning. As soon as she noticed me, her face morphed into an adorable confused expression.

My heart slowed when I realized she was hearing me out. It began to beat rapidly again when she forgave me. Seeing the excited wonderment on her face when I told her about my career change reaffirmed my decision. Although I needed to make this switch for myself, it impacted her in a way I was hoping would help unite us.

It was the right choice, and I’ve never felt as light as I have since I told my father I was quitting. I thought he was going to have a coronary. My mom has been calling me nonstop. I haven’t answered any of her calls, though I know it’ll be hard to avoid them living in Hartville.

The bach party has been a success so far, especially having Lex by my side. We’ve skied. Well, all of us except Lex. No luck convincing her. As much fun as I’ve been having, though, I wish we were in Hartville together, alone. I love my friends, but after reuniting with Lex, I want to spend time with her, talk to her, and hold her in my arms. Kiss her without any reservations.

A hard clap lands on my shoulder, and Toby chuckles. “You were lost in thought there.” He shakes his head with a knowing grin. “Glad things worked out.”

“Thanks. Unfortunately, my parents are still in denial or plotting my demise. It’s going to be interesting living in the same town with them again as an adult.”

“And dating Lex.”

“I already dated her before while living with them. They won’t get in the middle of us.” I shake my head adamantly.

“Now that you’ve made choices that benefit you and not them, I believe you.” Toby lifts his brows.

“You didn’t believe me before?” I inch my head back, eyebrows furrowing.