Page 104 of Meet Again

“That’s good to know,” I exhale.

“You’re going to do great,” she gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “We can catch up during lunch.”


I step into the room I’ll be teaching in and stare at all the empty chairs. I pinch myself and jolt. Not dreaming. This is my real life. Despite my doubts, I’m proud to experience this opportunity. I set up my presentation on the laptop and turn on the projector.

Soon people start filtering through the door. I smile and introduce myself to each of them, taking the opportunity to get to know them a bit. I have from seasoned dancers to those just starting their careers.

With expectant eyes on me, I formally introduce myself, sharing about my dancing, my studio, and personal tidbits to break the ice. I relax as people laugh at my jokes and begin to interact with my presentation.

This is more than about me standing here and lecturing. I want them to share their ideas and experiences and ask questions.

“What made you decide to open your own studio?” A young woman asks.

“I wanted to share my passion with others. When I was young, my town didn’t have a dance studio, and my parents sacrificed to take me to a nearby town that had one. If I could give something to my community and share my love for dancing, I’d take the opportunity. It was always my dream.” I smile at the girl.

“You never wanted to attend a dance school and pursue a professional career?” another woman asks. “Michelle says you were the best in your class growing up.”

“I admire people who take that route. It takes a ton of dedication, hard work, and determination. Ultimately, I wanted a different lifestyle. This works for me, but that doesn’t mean dancing professionally shouldn’t be someone else’s dream.” I nod.

I continue with my presentation. My topic is broken up into three parts so I can spread it out each day, and I have time to really expand the information and answer questions.

When it’s time to dance, the students spread out. Their excitement is palpable, and I cross my fingers that they like it. With counts of eight, I show them the first part of the dance with the music before breaking it down and teaching it to them. By the time it’s lunch hour, I’m tired, hungry, but happy.

“How’d it go?” Michelle grins.

“Great. These students are amazing.”

“They are. Some are alumni. We wanted to make this conference go beyond our students to other dancers. We have people from all over the country.”

“That’s so amazing. It seems like you’re doing great things.”

We stand in line to grab the catered buffet lunch.

“Yeah, I really love my job. I’m glad I took this route after performing. It fits me much more.” Michelle hands me a plate that I gratefully take.

“How is life? Are you still with that guy you were dating?” I don’t miss the way her eyes glance at my ring finger.

I shake my head. “Actually, long story. We ended up breaking up in college, but we recently got reacquainted and are dating again. He actually lives here.”

“Ohhh…soooo my invitation was right on time.” Her eyebrows dance on her forehead.

I shove my shoulder against hers and giggle. “We were not an item when you called. We had seen each other, but I wasn’t quite ready. Things are going well, though.” Thinking about Hudson makes a broad grin break out on my face.

“Seems like it by that smile. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks. How about you?” I serve myself some grilled chicken and salad.

“I’ve been seeing someone for a few months. Dating is hard, but I really like him.” She smiles broadly.

“That’s great.” It’s so nice to catch up with her.


We finish serving our lunch and take a seat. Michelle introduces me to other teachers, and I meet the director of the school. Everyone is kind and welcoming, sharing about themselves and their careers. It’s so much better than I imagined, breaking down the intimidation I felt when I first arrived.

I step away when I finish eating and call Hudson to let him know how it’s going. I had a few messages from him, and knowing I can call him to share this with him is on a whole different level of surrealism.