Page 70 of Meet Fake

I tossed and turned all night with thoughts plaguing me about Sage, the trust fund, and this deal that’s turning out to be way too real.

When I finally got some sleep, I woke up with a jolt thanks to a nightmare about a spider. Not just any spider. This one was giant, and its head was my trust fund’s legal document. It wanted to eat me. Then, all its eyes transformed into Sage heads, causing me to scream like a little girl as I woke up.

I’m not a dream analysis expert, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t a good thing.

It was the weirdest dream of my life, and thanks to it, I never want to see another spider.

It just solidifies my resolve to speak to Sage. When I came by on Saturday to talk after she finished working, she asked if we could postpone due to a headache. She looked exhausted, and in pain, so I agreed.

Yesterday was Easter, so I didn’t want to interrupt her time with her family and Daisy’s last day here. The silence between us is getting to me, though.

I need to clear the air and make sure we’re okay. I also need to stop reliving the way it felt to have her in my arms. It’s been all I can think about. Part of my desperation to see her is because of that. I miss her. Things haven’t been normal since we left my parents’ house last week.

But it’s a new week.

I plan to talk to Sage and get things back to the way they were.

I walk into the coffee shop in need of an extra-large coffee and to talk to Sage, but I come up empty when I search for her behind the counter.

“Hey, Tristan, what can I get you?” Julie smiles my way when I walk up to the counter.

“Hey, is Sage here?” I slip my hands into my pockets.

“No.” Julie shakes her head. “She called in sick.”

“Sick?” My voice rises. “What does she have?” Heart thundering, I stare at Julie.

“Uhh, I’m not sure. I thought you’d know, considering she’s your girlfriend.” She looks at me in confusion.

I don’t blame her. She has a point.

“Right, well, I haven’t spoken to her since last night.”

I rush out of the coffee shop and call Hudson.


“Hey, can I borrow your car?” I’m already heading in the direction of his office.

“What’s going on?” Concern etches his question.

“I need to go see Sage. She’s sick, and I want to make sure she’s okay.” My voice trembles.

I should consider buying a car if I’m going to be here for longer than what I originally planned. Being on foot gets old in a town that’s spread out like this one.

“Let me confirm an appointment I’m supposed to have today. If not, I can ask Lex for hers.”

“Okay.” I end the call and search for Sage’s contact.

After a few rings, I hang up. She’s not answering. If she’s sick, of course she isn’t going to pick up the call.

I arrive at Hudson’s office and walk in. He looks up from his desk with raised eyebrows. My hand incessantly runs through my hair, tugging at the roots.

“What in the world is wrong with you?”

“I need to go see Sage.” I pace in front of his desk.

“Calm down, Tristan. I’m sure she’s okay.” He means well, but I’m about to go Hulk on him.