Page 20 of Meet Fake

“Thanks.” I nod and reach for my wallet.

There isn’t a table available when I turn to search for one. I should’ve put my bag down on an empty one before ordering. I scan the coffee shop again and find one stool left at the counter beside where the drinks are delivered.

This is so much better.

A smile replaces my frown, and I claim my seat. This will make it easier to talk to Sage while she works. I turn on my laptop as she places my drink in front of me. Perks of front-row seats.

Why haven’t I sat here before?

“Thanks,” I say.

If she decides to accept my plan, I might as well start pretending there’s something between us. Besides, I really do think she’s cool. And beautiful.

As I work, I glance up to look at Sage. She’s busy serving customers and talking to them. It seems like she’s been working here longer than a week.

When my stomach yells for food, I order a breakfast sandwich and stretch my stiff legs.

“How’s work coming along?” Sage stands before me during a slow point in the morning.

“Good,” I nod. “I’m starting to fill out tax filings. It’s all so complicated.”

“Do you already have a name for your organization?” She crosses her arms, shifting on her feet.

It’s a good sign that she’s still talking to me.

“Yeah . . .” I look away from her. Will she think it’s a silly name? Too simple?

“Well, what is it?” Her eyebrows are high on her forehead when I look back at her.

“Spread Joy. It’s a simple name, but I think it’s easy to remember. My fondest memories from volunteering are the smiles people had when we’d spend time with them, especially the children. My purpose is to continue to give that back to the world. With happiness, anything is possible. It’s all about attitude and mindset.” I don’t know why I feel the need to explain the purpose behind the name.

“I love it. I love the simplicity of it, and it speaks directly to what your organization is about.” Sage smiles genuinely. “You’ll be adding so much joy to children’s lives.”

“Thanks,” I lean back on the stool and almost fall backward.

I reach for the edge of the counter, heart pounding.

“Forgot there’s no backrest,” I say sheepishly.

Sage laughs, her shoulders shaking as she stares at me.

“Careful. I can’t serve coffee and play nurse at the same time.” Her smile is bright and full.

I nod, stuck on the way her face lights up. Shaking that feeling of hope away, I focus on my laptop.

“Anyway . . .” she adds quietly.

I lift my eyes and notice her shoulders are tense. I look up completely with furrowed brows.

“Yeah?” I tilt my head.

“Does your offer still stand?” She wrings the rag in her hands.

“Really?” I sit straighter. I was sure she’d say no.

“Yeah,” she nods quickly. “I can’t deny the world of Spread Joy. It’s too much pressure if this doesn’t happen because of me,” she teases, but her eyes are clouded with nerves.

I smile, easing the tension. “Trust me; it wouldn’t be on you. The offer stands, but only if you’re comfortable with it.”