Page 19 of Meet Fake

“I spoke to Lex about it. Ultimately, I want her to feel comfortable. You know how Mom and Dad treat her, and I won’t be able to hold back if they treat her like garbage. Besides, I haven’t spoken much to them in the last couple of months.” He shrugs indifferently, but I know better.

Like me, Hudson also wishes our family was different and that we had parents who cared more about us as people than as accessories to their lifestyle.

It’s a punch to the gut every time I think about our relationship.

A part of me holds out hope, but after their actions lately, I don’t know. It sounds naïve, but I thought that after not seeing each other for so long, things would be different. That being away would have made my parents miss me.

“Yeah, I get it. I pretty much have no choice.” I rake my hand through my hair. “I’ll be in and out.”

It’s going to be such a boring event. I’m dreading it, but who knows what they’ll say if I boycott it?

Hudson claps my shoulder. “Tristan, you do have a choice. I’ve always admired you for doing what you wanted while I stayed here, feeling a twisted loyalty to them.”

“I just . . .” I sigh and shake my head. “It’s the principle. If I’d known they were going to use this money to manipulate me, then I wouldn’t have even considered it. I’d take it as a loss, but I can’t stand what they’re doing.”

“Welcome back to Hartville.” Hudson smirks, but I know it’s well-intentioned.

“I know. I’ve been gone for a long time.”

Without frequent communication with my family, I forgot how strong their will to get what they want could be, but I’m cut from the same cloth, and I’m going to fight for what’s mine.

“I know you missed me, though, so I thought I’d do you the favor of being a more regular presence in your life,” I tease, shaking off this weird mood.

“You’re the one who missed me. I bet you’d still sleep in my spare bedroom given a choice.”

“It’s a comfortable bed.”

“Right, that’s the only reason.” He shakes his head, laughing.

“Anyways, I gotta go.” I push off the counter.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to clear my head and do some work.” I smile to ease the worry on his face.

Sage looked concerned when I left the coffee shop yesterday. I owe her a visit. For no other reason than I’ve had fun getting to know her.

I walk through town with determined strides. The morning chill makes me shiver as I encounter familiar faces. The Bean will probably be busy, but that won’t stop me from spending time there and sneaking in conversation with Sage. I also want to apologize for the way I left yesterday. I was upset and short with her.

When I walk into the coffee shop, there’s a short line. I stand behind the last person and wait my turn. Most of the tables are taken, which is strange. It’s mid-morning on a Thursday, so people should be at work. It’s not like today is a holiday.

“Hi, how can—“ Sage stares at me and stops mid-question.

“Hey,” I smile. “How are you?” My hands rest on the counter, and I lean forward.

“I’m good, and you?” Her hair is half-up in a small bun, the short strands a wavy mess that suits her. Her earrings are dangling pastel robots.

“Good,” she nods. “What can I get you? A black coffee?”

“Yeah,” I nod.

“Anything else?” She glances up at me.

I look behind me and confirm no one is waiting in line before leaning forward.

“For you to accept my apology for being such a jerk yesterday.” I hold her gaze. Her chocolate eyes are round and gentle.

“No need to apologize,” she says. “We’re all entitled to a bad day now and then.”