Page 15 of Blissful Hook

We easily fall into our usual routine. I crouch down, pull off her favourite pair of black heels, and slide her coat over her thin shoulders. Standing up, I turn around and set her shoes down on my dresser and drape her jacket over the side.

"Crawl in, Mom," I whisper, and place a hand on her shoulder, slowly pushing her until she takes the hint. She lies down slowly, stretching out on the lumpy queen bed and adjusting her position until she's comfortably laying her head against the pillow.

"Thank you, sweet boy. You take such good care of me."

Nodding despite the fact I know she can't see me in the darkness of the room, I sigh, relieved that she isn't putting up as much of a fight as the last time and pull the covers over her. I take one last look at her before I go to collect the essentials she will need when she wakes up.

With a new pound in my temples, I place a bowl, two Advil, and a glass of water beside the bed.

It has always bothered me—not knowing or understanding how someone can treat themselves as if their life means nothing to them or anyone else. Thinking about how selfish I think that makes her makes me feel nothing but guilt. I don't know the struggle of addiction—not the way she does.

So that should mean that I shouldn't get to judge. Right? But I do. Because even though she is the parent, I have been the one taking care of her my whole life. And it isn't always as easy as it was tonight.