Page 9 of When We Live

Kai flashes a smile.

“He’s closed a one hundred million deal this morning, and he’s celebrating.”

“Got it.”

The men look at me. All at once.

I swallow hard.


“Are you interested in going?”

Why are they asking me that?

Especially like that? As if it’s something special?

“Uh… Is there anything I don’t know?” I ask.

“No, cariño. Get your mind out of the gutter. It’s a regular party with drinks and dancing. Only it takes place on a yacht. Isn’t it?” Alejandro asks, looking at Kai.

I move my eyes to Kai. He tips his chin down, a soft smile woven in his gaze.

“Isn’t this the same yacht you wanted us to spend some time on last night?”

Kai clears his throat.

“Yes, it is. But that was different,” he says, pocketing his wallet. “The yacht was for us only. He wasn’t there. And there was no party. We can go, spend some time over there, and return.”

“How are we getting back?”

Something about being stuck on a yacht, even if close to the shore, makes me nervous.

At least I could bail on them last night. I don’t see myself swimming back if shitty stuff happens.

“He’s bringing us back,” Kai says.

I think about it for a moment.

“All right,” I say.

They push their chairs back and rise. Alejandro extends his hand to help me pull up.

“Let’s go, baby,” he says, winking at me.

I press a napkin against my lips before dropping it on the table and pulling out of my seat.

Francisco and Alejandro run their eyes down, taking me in. Kai seems distracted.

“You two share a ride, right?” he says, leaving cash on the table.

“We sure do,” Alejandro says, tossing the car key to Francisco. “You drive.”

He catches it, and we all exit the venue.

Minutes later, we travel in two cars. It’s a short trip to the bay area, where the yacht is moored for now.

I’m not fond of things swaying on the water, and I’m hoping not to get seasick and throw up.