Page 1 of When We Live



Miami.Kai’s new place.

The water runsin the bathroom as I lie on my stomach on the bed, staring into the distance, my mind adrift.

Still experiencing the afterglow and indulging in the incredible calmness, bliss, and satisfaction accompanying good sex. A scent of honeysuckle and roses drifts from the sheets, wrapping around my body.

My eyes are heavy with sleep, although the night is just getting started.

I splay my hand over the sheets to memorize their feel and scent while lodging snapshots of the ocean and the sky into my brain.

And then, I start to compare notes.

Two different moments of the day.

Two different places.

Two different men.

The same beautiful view, only painted in different colors.

A bright, sunny sky earlier, and a dark pink and purple one now.

Muffled voices drift from the street below while soft music fills the rooms.

The place smells like Kai. That fresh, spicy scent of his cologne is embedded in my memory.

How do I feel about it?

It’s a lot to take in, but the most important thing is that he needed this as much as I needed it.

He needed my emotions while I drowned in his. He needed them so he could express his.

That thought alone puts a lump in my throat.

I smile, though.

I have so many reasons to smile.

So, so many reasons…

His footsteps resonate across the floors as he exits the bathroom and heads to the kitchen. I can’t see him, yet I have the layout of his place perfectly pictured in my head, and I know exactly where he is.

He takes something out of the refrigerator, retrieves the glasses from the terrace, pours two drinks, and comes to me.

He’s fully clothed, his eyes glinting with satisfaction as he strides to me, holding our drinks.

He looks stunning, maybe because despite wearing his clothes with so much distinction, his sexuality oozes from his pores.

He stops in front of me, his hips slightly tilted, his chin tipped down, his eyes warm like the ocean, a playful smile on his lips.

He hands me my wine without a word.

I tip my face up and wrap my fingers around the stem, cold condensed moisture dripping from the glass, the wine aroma traveling to my nose.

Our hands touch in what feels like a moment of silent, delicious communication.