Page 85 of When We Break

“Okay. What else?”

“I had my people check Raven’s neighbors. The nearest house to be exact. The one located at the edge of her backyard. It’s an older couple, Jessica and Eric Yearwood. Retirees. Snowbirds. They have a place in Florida. And no, they’re not home, although a flashlight cast a glow over the walls several times last night after we left Raven’s place. The house was empty this morning, and whoever the nocturnal visitor was might not return.”

“He might, though. He went back to Raven’s house after we left.”

I tell him about my second visit to her house and the open window.


“Yeah… I couldn’t agree more. Okay. So now I know what I’m dealing with. Keep me posted. I’ll do the same.”

I end the call and signal to Gloria at the same time, rising to my feet and sliding my suit jacket on.

“I’ll be back after two. Cancel all my meetings for the day. Call my driver and tell him to get my car ready. I don’t need the limousine today. Thanks.”

Ten minutes later, I’m in my sports car, heading to New Jersey.