Page 81 of When We Break

“That’s ideal, sir, but I can’t interact with clients from home because of my little girl. It’s more difficult to be on calls and such. Something like date entry or computer work? Yes. I’ve been looking for those jobs. There’s a huge demand for them, so maybe one day. I also like to get out once in a while and interact with people in a work setting, like now. So this works for me.”

I spend a couple of seconds studying her face.

“What is your name?”

“Gloria. Gloria Franklin.”

I ponder.

“Okay. Tell me what you’ve got for me.”

We go over my schedule, some paperwork, reports, and current issues that need my immediate attention before she pulls away from me.

She’s articulate and very perceptive, and I like that about her.

I lift my gaze and spot Shauna across the corridor, heading to my father’s office.

“Is Robert Walker in?” I ask.

“He was in this morning. I think he’s out now.”

My eyes stay on Shauna, who enters my father’s office, leaves something on his desk, and exits it a second later.”

“I need––“

“I’ll tell her to stop by,” she says before I have the chance to finish my thought. “Now or later?”

“You can send her in now.”


“Do you need anything to drink? A snack?”

“I’m good. No food. Thank you. I’ll take a coffee. Black, no sugar. The hotter, the better.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I watch her walk across the corridor before she stops and talks to Shauna, who looks in my direction and exchanges a few more words with Gloria before heading this way.

Moments later, she enters my office.

“Did you want to see me?”

“Mm-hmm. Take a seat.”

Gloria shows up in the doorway, holding my coffee.

“Do you want something to drink?” I ask Shauna.

“No, thank you.”

Gloria sets the cup on my desk before swiveling around and making a beeline for the door.

“You can leave it open,” I say.

Moments later, I take a sip of coffee and tug at my tie knot.

“Is everything all right?” Shauna asks, sliding into a chair in front of my desk.