Page 64 of When We Break




“Giana… You won’t believe it.”

I send her a batch of pictures before setting my phone on the table so she can see the sunset for herself.

The light is magnificent, the colors of the sky superb, and the view looks like a postcard.

“Can you see it?”

I turn the phone to me and prop it against the small vase on the patio table so she can see me and also glimpse the ocean in the background.

The sun has dipped below the horizon, the lights have come on, and an explosion of colors has taken over the sky.

The light still lingers, glazing the water, rolling over the street, the cars, the buildings.

Voices drift from below. Other residents, the doormen, the drivers. It’s a new world that pulls the reality of my life away from me with every moment.

“So you’re not coming back,” she jokes.

I laugh, delighting myself with a piece of lettuce.

“I wish I could do that,” I say humorously, although I’m a little serious about it too.

“Are you serious?”

I tip my gaze to the screen, gesturing with my fork.

“Yes, and no. I miss Long Island.”

“Not the weather, though.”

“Even the weather.”

“Please. I’d give anything to eat on a terrace. To wear something nice and feel the breeze against my skin. Speaking of that,” she says, shoving a small donut into her mouth.

Powdered sugar clings to her upper lip.

I signal to her that she has a mustache, and she does her best to dust it off while chewing.

“You were saying…” I murmur, realizing that she’s so distracted she’s forgotten about what she wanted to say.

“Yes. I told you about the Christmas party.”


“It’s two days from now. At a nice restaurant in Manhattan. Guess who’s coming… I mean, I knew he was coming, but he just confirmed.”

She smiles from ear to ear.

“No,” I murmur.


“The cute doctor?”