More blasts, more rocking. And now the road was higher on one side than the other. The nurses moved to the middle of the wagon bed, hoping to even out the weight distribution. One of the medical boxes started to slide, and Hazel held it in place with one hand. She gripped the wagon bench with the other to hold herself in place.
An explosion shook the wagon, sounding as if it were directly on top of them. The wagon jerked forward as if the mules had startled, tugging the wagon’s occupants forward. An avalanche of rocks spilled down the mountain, covering the road behind them and cutting off their hopes of return as well as separating them from the other wagon.
Another blast came, but this one was different—a gunshot, and it was close. A man’s voice followed. He sounded angry, as if he were making a threat.
Jim answered, his voice angry as well.
The nurses looked at one another, and Hazel could see fear in her companions’ eyes. She looked toward the front of the wagon, where Jim and Dr. Laurent were, wishing she knew what was happening. Then she looked toward the rear and the exit, wondering what to do. Her airway constricted.
Breathe in... one... two... three. Breathe out... one... two... three.
More raised voices, Jim’s and Dr. Laurent’s among them. The sounds of boots scuffling over rocky ground and a whack as if someone had been struck.
Camila grabbed Hazel’s hand, muttering a prayer.
Hazel’s skin started to tingle, and the wagon bed began to shrink.Breathe in... one... two... three. Breathe out... one... two... three.
Before her panic came on fully, a man appeared behind the wagon.
Camila screamed.
The man pointed a rifle at the women, yelling words Hazel couldn’t understand. Another man joined him.
Lucía spoke to them, sounding as if she were reprimanding them, and for a moment, the men looked ashamed.
A third man poked his head into the back of the wagon. He ignored Lucía and pointed to the boxes of medical supplies and the nurses’ kits. By his tone, Hazel could tell he was giving orders.
He spoke one short sentence to Lucía, not waiting to hear a reply before he walked away.
“We are to follow him,” she said to the others.
The men climbed inside, picking up the boxes.
Camila clamped Hazel’s hand tighter, but the men didn’t give the nurses a second look.
Lucía motioned to them, and Hazel and Camila followed her, stepping out of the safety of the wagon bed onto the mountain road. They walked single file along the edge of the steep decline to the front of the wagon.
Dr. Laurent and Jim stood there, surrounded by men wearing vests and berets. Each of the rebels carried a rifle.
Blood dripped from a cut beneath Jim’s eye. He glared at the rebels, his expression dark with fury.
At a motion from their captors, the nurses went to stand by the doctors.
“Are you ladies all right?” Dr. Laurent asked.
“We’re unharmed,” Hazel said. She looked up at Jim. “Dr. Jackson, your eye.” She offered a handkerchief.
“It’s nothing.” He shook his head.
“Who are these men?” Hazel asked, putting the handkerchief back into her apron pocket. “What do they want?”
“Zhey want us,” Dr. Laurent said. “Or, at least, zhat is what I believe. Lucía will speak to zhem.”
“Us? But why?” Hazel asked.
Camila still held on to Hazel’s hand, and she was shaking.
“A trap,” Jim muttered in English, still glaring at the men. “They lured us here. They knew we would follow the sounds of the battle.” He turned away at last. “I don’t believe they’ll hurt us, but do not make them angry.”