Page 88 of Inventing Vivian

“For the force of gravity’s attraction to increase, each of the objects must increase proportionally to the product of their mass. And neither of us is becoming more massive, I hope.”

“Perhaps Sir Isaac Newton was wrong.” Benedict smirked.

Vivian gave a shocked look, opening her eyes and mouth wide. “How dare you?”

Benedict laughed. A real laugh. The laugh that Vivian loved, the one that showed all of his teeth and made his eyes squeeze, fanning wrinkles from their corners. She held him tighter, loving that she could make him laugh.

“Perhaps there are things science cannot explain,” he said once his laughter had abated.

Vivian opened her mouth to argue. But she realized he was right. The laws of physics could not account for the way her breath stopped whenever she saw him or how she missed him when they were apart. No chemical reaction could replicate her feeling of weightlessness when they kissed or how her heart jolted at his touch.

For all this unexplainable phenomena, there was only one explanation that would suffice. Vivian was truly and deeply in love. And no force in the universe was strong enough to change that.