Page 33 of Inventing Vivian

“Can any other compare?” Lord Benedict asked with a cheerful smile. “One could not possibly hear the Queen of the Night’s solo without getting chills.”

“I agree, my lord. Her aria is superb,” Hazel said.

Vivian was relieved Lord Benedict’s response had not been patronizing. Hazel was not highborn as was the future duke, and her preference for the more common genre of opera could have been met with disdain.

“You seem very pleased this evening, Miss Kirby.” Lord Benedict turned his attention to her. “Happy. If your disposition cannot be attributed to your love of opera, you must tell me the reason behind your smiles.”

“I... received some good news yesterday.” Vivian didn’t expound, not wanting to open herself up to ridicule.

“Oh? I’m glad to hear it,” Lord Benedict said. “If I might inquire—?”

“Lord Covington, there you are.” A small man with a bald head and drooping mustache pushed his way into the group.

Vivian caught her drink and steadied Hazel, who was nearly knocked over. She recognized the man; Lord Hargreave was a prominent member of the Tory party and a good friend of Lord Ruben’s father. She glanced at Dahlia, but the young lady was turned away, speaking with Sophie.

“Lord Hargreave, how do you do?” Lord Benedict raised his chin, his brows drawing together.

“Hoped I’d run into you tonight,” Lord Hargreave said. “Wanted to inquire about your cuff links.”

“My cuff links?”

“Saw them when you walked past my seat.” Lord Hargreave lifted Lord Benedict’s arm, looking closely at the green stones of his cuff links. “Jade, are they? Purchased in China or imported?”

“Purchased there.” Lord Benedict’s words were clipped, his expression annoyed.

“In what city?”

“Canton.” Lord Benedict took his arm from the man’s grasp.

“On the Pearl River,” the man muttered. “Excellent quality.”

“Yes. It was nice to see you, Lord Hargreave. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll return to my conversation,” Lord Benedict said. His tone was unmistakably a dismissal. He turned back to the young women.

Lord Hargreave frowned, but he said nothing more. He gave a sharp bow and started away, and a moment later, he disappeared back into the crowd.

“And, Miss Kirby, how is my young friend Chester?”

Vivian was surprised Lord Benedict wished to continue the conversation with her, especially when the friends he’d come with must be nearby. He seemed genuinely interested... something she hadn’t expected. “He is very well, my lord. I believe he attended his first kung fu lesson with our carriage driver, Devon, and Mr. Li this afternoon.”

“I am sorry to have missed it. I was away from home today.” A shadow moved over Lord Benedict’s cheerful features, and though he did not say it, Vivian understood the errand had not been pleasant.

Miss Helen Rothschild emerged from the crowd and took hold of Lord Benedict’s elbow. “There you are, my lord.” She nodded pleasantly toward the other ladies and looked back up at him. “We should be returning to our seats.”

The crowd had begun to dissipate, and Sophie, Elizabeth, and Dahlia were able to move around Lord Meredith and Lord Strathmore to join their friends.

When Dahlia saw Miss Rothschild, however, she paused her steps.

“Oh, Dahlia, I didn’t see you there,” Miss Rothschild said, giving a smile that looked as though she weren’t quite sure how to greet her old friend. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been well,” Dahlia said. Her voice sounded choked, and Vivian felt a surge of anger at Lord Ruben and Lady Lorene for the way they’d treated her as well as the wider effects of their secret courtship. Dahlia had not only lost her beau but her former friends as well.

Her eyes darted toward a spot behind Vivian, and her face paled. Vivian didn’t need to turn to know Lord Ruben was approaching.

“Excuse us,” Elizabeth said. She took Dahlia’s arm, but before the pair could hurry away, Lord Ruben came into the circle with Lady Lorene Stanhope on his arm.

“There you are, Ben. Thought we’d lost you.” He glanced at Vivian and Helen but didn’t extend a greeting. His eyes moved past them, and he paused when his gaze landed on Dahlia.

Lady Lorene tugged on his arm. Her glare when she saw Dahlia could have turned carbon into a diamond.