Luc and Gabi set the kids down, and they immediately started jumping around the garden.

Alice’s stern face showed a hint of a smile.

Guignol kicked up his back legs so hard that he fell over. Spot jumped onto him, and when her brother flipped over, she flew off, bouncing away.

Mathieu laughed loudly, bending over and holding his side.

“Guignol and Spot,” Julia said, pointing to the goats in turn. “But, of course, you can call them what you wish.” She clasped her hands. “Madame, I am so sorry about Fleur. I hope you can forgive me.”

Alice looked at her for a moment, and Julia worried that the woman would not ever forget the wrong done to her.

The older woman’s face broke into a wide smile. “Of course you are forgiven, Juliette.” She clasped Julia’s arms right below the shoulders and planted a kiss on each cheek.

Julia blinked. This was the second time she’d been startled by a kiss today. And though this one was not unpleasant, she much preferred the first. She glanced at Luc, giving a surprised smile at the woman’s reaction.

The smile and wink he gave in return said he was proud of her. Seeing it warmed her all the way through.

Once they left the Laurents’, Luc went to tend to the olives. Julia spent the remainder of the afternoon in the garden with Gabi. The rain had made the soil soft, and the pair worked companionably together, pulling out weeds, separating herbs, and cutting flowers for vases and drying.

Julia told the older woman about the Deschamps family and especially about how considerate Luc had been with Élise.

“Ah, he is so very kindhearted.” Gabi shook her head fondly.

“He drew beautiful portraits of the children,” Julia said. “Sylvie was so pleased.”

Gabi glanced toward the building that served as Luc’s art studio. “If that boy could only see what others see in him.”

“He could do it,” Julia said. “He could display his art, sell it if he chose. He would be known as one of the great artists of our time.”

“But he will not,” Gabi said. She sighed. “To see a dream die—” Her voice caught, and she cleared her throat. “It is painful, non?”

“Oui,” Julia said. She glanced at the building as well, and a thought occurred to her. An idea. She stopped pulling weeds, sitting back on her heels and letting the idea take root as she considered the different complications that might arise and how to manage them.

She was still lost in thought when Luc came into the garden. Seeing him, she smiled and stood, brushing the dirt from her fingers.

“How are the seedlings today?” Gabi asked.

“They appear healthy,” he said. “I moved some of the larger pots outside to begin to acclimate them. I’ll move them back into the nursery tonight.”

Gabi nodded. “The nights are still very cold.”

Luc took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. “I wondered if perhaps you might like to walk to the lily pond, Juliette.”

A thrill shot through her middle, and she smiled, knowing he’d been thinking about her. “I would enjoy that very much.”

He nodded. “Is now a good time? Or are you still... ?” He motioned to the ground where she had been weeding.

“Of course it is a good time,” Gabi said. “Juliette doesn’t want to spend her last hours in Riv digging around in the dirt.” She stood, setting her trowel in a pot. “If you will wait just a moment, I’ll send along a picnic.” She started toward the house. “Luc, find that old quilt,” she called back over her shoulder. “The one with the yellow roses. I think it is in the chest beneath the stairs.”

By the time Julia had washed off her hands, Gabi had a meal packed into a basket, and Luc stood at the kitchen door with a quilt beneath his arm.

Gabi gave him the basket, and he hung it in the crook of his elbow.

“Merci, Gabi,” he said, holding open the door for Julia. “We will be back before dark.”

“Take as long as you’d like. Enjoy the pond... and your time together.” Gabi gave the pair of them a meaningful look that made Julia’s cheeks heat up, then walked toward them, holding her hands out to the sides as if to shepherd them toward the pond. “Go on now.”

They started down the path with olives trees on one side and grape vines on the other. Luc took Julia’s hand.