Page 5 of Sitting Pretty

I smile to myself. It’s hard not to love a man willing to do anything to execute his plan. Even deal with fake, jealous bitches. “What’s your degree in?”

“Kinesiology. I’m trying to get a job at the OTC, but until then I’m working at the resort. What about you? What’s your degree in?”

“I don’t have a degree.” I plop down on my couch with a glass of wine.

“What do you do?” He asks.

“I run an online clothing boutique for plus size women, as well as a fashion channel on YouTube for those same women,” I say, waiting for any kind of revealing comment. Will he be snide, condescending, or genuinely curious?

“What’s the name of your business?”

I wish I could see his face right now, so I could pick up on any unsaid meaning behind his question.


“What’s it stand for?”

Chuckling, I take a sip of my wine. “It started as Happy Aila, which is the brand name I sew into my designer originals, but I rebranded and went for something edgier—Hips and Ass Clothing, or H&A for short.”

“I knew I recognized you.” He says, a hint of reverence in his tone.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been in business for what—four years? You have a subscription-based clothing service, right? And send an outfit out quarterly?”

“How do you know that?” I sit up and stare at my phone. Perhaps I need to rethinkLucas the stalkerangle.

“My college girlfriend was one of your first customers, and she turned my little sister on to your subscription service.” He chuckles, and I can imagine him running his hand through his thick, dark hair. “While I struggled to put weight on when I was young, my sister, Celia, battled her weight. Your videos and outfits boosted her confidence and helped turn her into a high school diva. You’re one of her role models, and I’ve been in awe of you for years. I used to watch your YouTube fashion videos with her when I was home from school.”

“Are you fucking with me right now?”

“No. Not even a little.”

“I’m not sure if I’m flattered or freaked out.”

“Don’t be freaked out. I’m not a creep, but a guy who knows what he likes. I saw you, liked every inch of you, and made a move to get your number. The fact I know of you is a coincidence and nothing more. Speaking of getting to know you… does seven work for tomorrow?”

I smile to myself. Hot, sexy, and sweet. Can this guy be for real or is he about to spring the late night booty call on me? “You don’t want to meet for a drink tonight?”

He pauses and says nothing for a good ten seconds. “I’m not looking for a hookup, Aila. I saw you and was instantly interested. Can you handle that?”

“I can.” I pump my fist in the air, a huge smile on my face. “And seven works great.”

“Fantastic. Can I pick you up? Or would you prefer to meet me someplace?”

Wow! Green flags abound. He didn’t jump on an opportunity to turn this into a booty call. He texted when he said he would. And he understands a woman’s need to feel safe.

I might be in love.

“You can pick me up. I’ll message you my address.”

“Great. I’ll text you in the morning and see you tomorrow night.”

“Sounds perfect.” Excitement, the likes of which I haven’t felt in years, bubbles in my belly.

“Sleep well, beautiful. Dream of me.” Lucas chuckles as he hangs up.

I set my phone down with a sigh. I’m definitely going to be dreaming about him tonight.