Page 4 of Madness

I turned toward Shavarra, “We need to get them to the Heathern Court.”

Her eyes lit up. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Shouts rose from the crowd.

“What are we going to do about the Fae?”

“How do we get the rest of our people free?”

“Where is King Ganglin?”

“Where is King Ganglin?!”

The purge of the Heathern Court castle hadn’t been quick. Deep emotional wounds still festered, leaving the newly free Nymphs confused and seething with anger. They had a point though. All those questions were the same questions I had already asked myself.

Outraged demands pushed up at me as I stood on my tiptoes at the top of what used to be King Ganglin’s dais. Dirt and blood still streaked their faces. Bodies jostled against each other as Nymphs surged forward with every new question.

“Everybody, please.” I waved my hands.

Daethian stood on the bottom step, stretching out an arm to stop anyone who tried to get too close to me. His shirt hung in shreds from his shoulders, and dark stains of crimson soaked through to his skin. Dust was smudged along his dark brown hairline and across his cheeks. His caramel eyes glared down at the unruly crowd.

Behind me, Graceson grunted through clenched teeth while keeping Randsin propped up. Together they leaned against King Ganglin’s throne which was now covered in intricately woven vines. A new throne for a new people.

When the fighting outside the castle had come to an end, they had seen me atop the steps. All of their gazes fixed on me as ifIknew what to do. Did they think I was Hattie? The one who had given them the medicine that helped to give their powers back? I was full of fury, untamed and hungry. So very hungry for revenge…

We did what I had always wanted. I led them to destroy this place that had destroyed us for so long.

Fists met windows, and glass fell like confetti. We ripped down every banner, every sign or image, that reminded us of the ruler who had fled. Earthmakers, like me, sent shuddering earthquakes deep into the ground that brought down statues and screamed at nature as vines grew from the ground and covered the walls and any available surface.

Their powers were awakening and messy, and it made it that much more satisfying when the castle looked like it had been abandoned for years. When the destruction finally stopped, some Nymphs fled for the forest, while others stayed to fight.

In the raid of the castle, the prisoners had been released. One prisoner though had not been Nymph. Randsin was nearly killed. Had it not been for Daethian, who kept him safe, he would be in much worse condition than he was now. The long, protective clothing he normally wore no longer covered his chest and arms. Black, detailed images covered every inch of his skin, tattoos that remained visible despite the blood that covered him. His breathing was shallow, but he was still alive.

“Why are there still Fae here?” People shouted in agreement as the question rose louder above the rest.

How was I supposed to explain that these were the good guys? That there were Fae out there who wanted to help, who were not the enemy? I had known all too well those feelings of unease and distrust.

“There are Fae who want to aid us. More than you would think who want to right the wrong that was done to us.” I clasped my hands in front of me, my body swaying with exhaustion.

“They aren’t one of us.” voices cried out. “They are lying.”

“Look, I can’t calm your feelings of doubt toward the Fae. Trust me, it takes time and action for them to show you that they mean what they say. But some of them are good…” My voice broke, my eyes wide and red.“We will do our best to make camp here. Make this our base as we decide the next step. We will not give up this territory to the Fae.” This sentence seemed to calm them. Their shouts lowered to mumbles and whispered questions.

“I’ll continue to cook the meals,” one Nymph raised his hand.

“We can do patrols of the ground and bring any unwanted visitors into the dungeons,” a group from the back agreed.

“Yes, thank you” I clapped. “Find a place to lay your heads. If there is a job you wish to do to keep this place running, find it. What you do will be your choice.”

Daethian’s head bobbed, his gaze turned to my face. “Let’s make thisourhome.” His eyes bore into me as he spoke.

I swallowed the feeling that left my throat dry.

“Please, take ease in knowing that we will get through this together.” My voice was hoarse from all the yelling I’d done. “Because we are going to need each other.”

The crowd agreed in disjointed murmurs and nods and began to disperse into smaller groups or leave the room altogether. Their attention no longer needed to be held. As soon as I knew eyes were no longer looking to me for answers, my knees buckled and I sat upon the dais. Daethian came to my side, grabbing my hand and supporting my back.

“You need to rest.” He looked up at Graceson and Randsin. “We all do.”