Page 26 of Madness

“Not at all.” I shake my head. “Maybe you should have Suzetta take a look at you.”

“Nah, I’m sure it will pass.” Daethian gave me half a smile, leaning down to pick up his shirt and slip it back over his head. The material clung to his chest and his abdomen, darkening with sweat. “What do you say we go catch that meal together?”

“Actually, I already have plans.”

He gave me a weary look, but we both started walking toward the castle. “Is it with who I think it is?”

“I don’t know, who do you think it is?” I teased.

“Well, it definitely isn’t Randsin, because he hasn’t left the motherdamned bedroom. But let me think…does he look white as a fucking ghost? Is he overly cocky and has probably slept with half the Fae population?”

“Ouch. You’re really trying to drive in the fact that you don’t like him.”

“Who said I didn’t like him? What’s not to like?” He shrugged and bumped me with his hip. My steps staggered, but I swerved back onto the dirt path.

“He saved me from King Ganglin the night you were taken to the Acture Court. It could have been so much worse than some annoying Fae chomping on my neck and taunting me. His scent will fade with time. King Ganglin’s, that would have stayed forever. And I don’t think either one of us could have handled that.”

“You’re right. Okay, I get it. Generally, he is a decent Fae. I’m just jealous because I wish you’d spend a little bit more time withme.” He batted his long lashes.

“Don’t make me feel more guilty than I already do. I promise, tomorrow, we will have dinner together.”

“It’s a date.”

“It’s not a date,” I pointed out with a half-smile.

Daethian rolled his eyes. “Two people alone—”

“We won't be alone; a ton of other Nymphs will be eating dinner at the same time.”

“Alone. Enjoying a fine meal, with a couple of glasses of wine. Sounds like a date if I ever heard one.”

“Daethian.” I punched him in the arm softly.

“Fine, but if you change your mind, I promise I’ll clean up really nice for you.” He leaned down and pressed a small kiss against the side of my face, the hair of his beard scratching my cheek. But the kiss didn’t do anything for me. Not like I thought it might. It felt practically platonic. “Hey,” he straightened himself, “have you heard anything about King Ganglin? Or Hattie for that matter?”

“No. It’s been days since Graceson left, and he hasn’t sent any messages. I’m hoping King Windre’s spies might have information for us. On either of their whereabouts.” At night it was harder and harder not to think about the fact that Hattie hadn’t returned. Even when I pushed the thoughts away they always crept back in while I slept. Sleep had been nearly impossible, and when I did sleep it was always a nightmare. “I really hope she’s okay.”

“I’m sure we will hear soon.”

We stopped at the bottom of the steps that led to the open castle doors. Daethian turned, one foot resting on the first step, and looked at me. I couldn’t help but stare back through the wind-blown strands that covered my face. We had come so far together. Starving slaves to this rebellion, and all because we never stopped fighting.

“This is where I leave you. I’m heading that way.” I pointed toward the stables. “Why don’t you go and talk to that girl. What’s her name? Apaula. She watched you spar nearly half the day. Practically drooling.”

“I don’t know, I’m still pending a date with someone much prettier than her.”

“There isn’t a date, though.” I chuckled under my breath, walking backward as he took his first step up.

“For now, but things could change,” Daethian’s voice rose over the growing distance between us.

“Nothing is going to change.”

“We’ll see about that.”

With a smile and a short laugh, Daethian turned and jogged up the stairs. I watched him for a minute, laughing to myself before I headed for the stables. At this distance, I could see the worn, sun-bleached wood. The doors on either side were open, as they usually were, to allow some sort of a breeze in for the horses.

The valley had mostly emptied, leaving only a few lingering Nymphs. Dew would soon form over the makeshift structures and targets we had created. I offered a slight wave as I passed back by, attempting to ignore the tumble of nerves in my stomach.

Since returning to the Heathern Court, I had yet to come to the stables. Even the thought caused my chest to tighten and my stomach to knot. But tonight, something else came with the idea of the stables. Excitement? Anticipation?