Page 18 of Madness

“Alright.” He raised his eyebrows attempting to suppress his smile, not well I might add.

With his back turned to me, I waved an arm back and forth in the air, the other holding the gown as I shimmied. The dress made a little noise as I did my lunatic dance to ensure he wasn’t looking. When he didn’t laugh, I took a deep breath and dropped the dress.

My whole body stretched as I lunged for the clothes I'd kicked aside. Holding the material, I turned back to watch him as I slipped into the items. Better make sure he wasn’t trying to sneak a peek.What would you do if he did, Ryker?Part of my brain, run strictly by hormones, suggested ways of seducing him. Though the more prominent part of my brain, the one riddled with the crippling fear of being overpowered, screamed in terror and clutched the clothing to my body like a child with a useless rag doll.

“So, uh, what are you stopping by for?” I asked, buttoning my shirt.

Dace tilted his head back and forth, keeping his back turned. “You mean other than to save you from the restraints of that dress?”


“I just wanted to express my gratitude and maybe offer my assistance.”

Fully dressed, I firmly placed my hands against my hips, already feeling less feminine outside of that fancy gown, and stared at his back. His shirt was thin enough, and sheer enough, that I could make out the muscles in his shoulders and the slash of the healing wound on his lower back. Dace sure liked to show off his muscular body. Not that I was complaining. I shrugged to myself.

“Yes. Keep talking,” I urged.

“The Nymphs here look up to you as a leader and you welcomed us,me, here without question. I’m sure I’m speaking for Shavarra as well when I tell you how much this means to everyone from the refuge.” He turned his head to the side, his eyes scanning his periphery to get a glance at me.

“Hey. You’re looking at me.” I pointed.

“You’re dressed.” His easy laughter filled the air as he turned back to face me. “Were you just going to have me face away from you the entire time we had a conversation? Is my face not pretty enough for you?” His polished loafers took a step closer.

“The view from the back wasn’t so bad.” I blinked at the words that escaped my mouth faster than I could tame my tongue. My cheeks burned as another blush bloomed on my face. Why did that always happen to me when he was near? Curse thatnotprince for influencing me with his beauty.

Dace smiled, unfazed. He managed another step forward before my nervous habit of running away kicked in, and I scooped up the gown from the floor, moving to the wardrobe to hang it.

“Speaking of Shavarra, you seemed rather worried about her when you arrived. You must be pretty close. Tell me about her.” I looked between the gown and the hanger. How did this hang so nicely before? It had no sleeves.

“I met her in a bar, during a game of cards. Don’t ask her to play unless you want to lose. Speaking from experience, it doesn’t go well. She wasn’t swooning on the arm of the man she thought would win, or drunkenly dancing to the band, Shavarra was there making money and she introduced me to a few of her friends. All traveling Nymphs that had stopped in Caratona on their way through to visit. Her love for them was so deep, it didn’t feel right not to tell her about my dreams of the Day of Ruin. She’s the one who really hatched the plan for the refuge. I was just the means to do it.”

I kept my back turned, fiddling with the dress and the hanger for a distraction. Dace did think rather highly of Shavarra. Even near death, as she had been when she arrived, she was stunningly beautiful. She was smooth icy hair, all curves I wished I had, and unblemished porcelain skin.

I exhaled loudly and slung the dress sloppily on the hanger. I pushed at the other gowns, shoving them apart to make room for the messily hung dress I tried on. Dace’s hands found the other side of the dress, taking the hanger from my hand and slipping it back onto the rod.

Piercing blue eyes stared down at me, watching me expectantly. I should have saidthank youbut instead, I blurted, “Are you lovers?”

Time does not fly when you are staring at a horse's ass.

My eyes had grown tired of squinting into the sun as it was beginning to set. Every hair in my nose had practically burned away with the rancid smell of the horse's shit as we traveled.

What did they feed this thing before we left?

Red lay across the wooden boards behind me, still and quiet. She'd been laying that way for a while, so I assumed she was using her time more pleasantly than I was and was taking a little nap. Gods above I wished I could take a nap instead of steering this horse. But we were coming to a small town inside the Acture Court where I could take a much needed break from the travel.

Horse hooves and creaking wagon wheels drew Red’s attention. She sat up, watching as local traffic passed. I glanced back at her. Dark circles sat under her red-rimmed eyes as she squinted and looked around. It was hard not to wonder if she had risen to glare at her surroundings, assuming we had finally arrived at King Windre’s castle.

Not quite yet, Red. Not quite yet.

Pulling on the reins, I slowed and steered our cart to the side of the road. A tall building with green shutters and a freshly painted sign that read ‘Cassie’s Tavern’ waited—hopefully with something good to drink and a warm meal. I didn’t even want to look at the cabbage soup we had packed or eat one more cold sandwich. What I wanted was a steak. My stomach growled in agreement.

“Well sugar-puss, you want to hop out of that wagon or shall I fetch you myself?” I jumped to the ground, watching while my foot tapped in the dirt.

“Where are we?” Her scowl deepened, but she scooted herself to the edge of the cart and looked around.

“Some podunk stop on our way to Loutone. I fancy a warm meal. My treat.” I lifted my eyebrows but didn’t give her any more time to question our stop as I grabbed the extra length of chain that connected her wrists to her ankles.

My eyes lingered on the raw, red skin under the cuffs. That was her fault. She could have had a chain-free ride if she hadn’t tried to act a fool. I guided her forward and through the carefully painted green door of the tavern.