Page 71 of Madness

“Not if I’m to distract you properly.” I slid across the floorboards, easing my way around her. Her face turned, her eyes following me as I stepped behind her. My fingers traced up her arm running over her smooth, bare skin and stopping along the sleeve of her shirt. “I need to practice my power, but I was thinking you could offer more of an incentive.”

“Mmm?” she hummed. “What kind of incentive?”

“If I can make progress…” I paused, wishing to draw out the suspense. I could see her interest tweak her upturned lips. Full and round, the teasing smile made my pulse quicken.

“Out with it,” she breathed.

I nuzzled my nose into her neck, taking sips of her scent like she was expensive wine I needed to savor. Pressing my lips against the same spot, I caught sight of the yellowing bruises I somehow hadn’t seen before and pulled away.

“What are these?”

Ryker cupped her hand to her neck, looking away from me. “It’s part of what I need you to distract me from.”

An urgent, pressing fury built tightly in my chest. I smoothed my button-up shirt down, trying to rally my self-control. If Daethian did this to her, I was going to freeze his heart.

“So, will you tell me the incentive now?” She twisted and looked up at me. Something like hope shined in her gaze.

She really wants to be distracted. And maybe so do I.

“If and when I make progress, you take an article of clothing off.”

Ryker smiled like she thought I was joking, then laughed with a small shake of her head. I could feel the slight chuckle vibrate through her arms where I held her. “You don’t think that’s too tempting? I won’t have sex with you, Dace. Not till I’m sure.”

“Not yet, you won't.” I kissed her forehead. “I won’t touch, only look. Unless...”

“I won’t change my mind.”

“Okay, okay. It’s just an option…that’s available. It’s literally always on the table, you just have to ask.” I winked and took a couple of steps back. Simple chairs and decorative pillows filled the small living space. I turned, looking around for ideas of anything I could try and take with me that wouldn’t be so terrible if I ruined them. Happily, I grabbed one of the incredibly dusty novels, only used as a prop, off the side of the desk and held it in my hands.

“What do I get out of it then?”

“Set your terms, Ryker.” I waved my hands in front of her.

Both hands planted on the curve of her hips. “Every successful turn, I pick a new, bigger object. Anytime you fail…you take off some clothes.”

“Oh, look at you.” I feigned surprise. “What a negotiator you’ve become.”

“Take it or leave it.”

Tension, both good and probably at least a little bit bad, churned between us.Gods, I hope I can pull this off.

“It’s a deal.” I stretched a hand out. She took it firmly and shook on the bargain. Clearing my throat, I set the book back on the desk and lifted a pen. “Better start small then.”

“That feels a little bit like cheating,” she said.

My laugh disappeared in the void of space as I vanished from in front of her and reappeared a foot behind her. She turned and watched as I held out the full pencil.

“Okay, then.” She slipped out of the boots she was wearing and kicked them over to my feet.

“Thatfeels a little bit like cheating.”

“Hardly.” She snorted as she snatched the pencil out of my hand and began walking around the room for another object. Her sock covered feet were quiet on the floor as she padded through the room. She disappeared into the bathroom and reemerged holding a wooden paddle brush. “Now try this.”

“Easy enough,” I smirked.

“Don’t get too excited.” She pointed at her sock covered feet. “These are next.”

Huffing a growl, I took the brush. Magic tingled over my skin, swelling to consume the additional object it wasn’t used to. I kept her image in my mind's eye as I wasted no time manipulating my travel and returning a few feet from where I started. I held the brush up with a triumphant grin.