Page 46 of Madness

I smiled, enjoying the bit of sarcasm in his voice. “I’ll keep that in mind, but I don’t think Dace is actually serious about anything with me. I’m just his entertainment for now. One day, when he gets bored of me, he’ll find someone else. Best not to get my feelings too involved, right?” For a split second, I had the thought that maybe this would have been a good conversation to have with Daethian, but then again, Daethian wouldn’t want to hear it right now.

“Why do you think that?”

“Because it doesn’t make sense for a Nymph and a Fae to be together.” I tried to laugh to brush off the awkward tension that started to settle on my shoulders, though it sounded more like a cough, and looked away from Graceson. “And he is a Prince. I’m a no one. His mom has set his bridal proposition, anyway. He’ll have to choose someone then. And as I currently believe that I am not an option on said list, I’ll maybe stay a little bit guarded.”

“Hmm,” Graceson nodded. “It didn’t make much sense for King Windre’s parents to get together, but you can’t help who you fall in love with.” He sucked on his teeth and walked around me to the door. “I think I’ll go have myself a little look around and maybe visit our dear friend, Randsin.”

I waved at him but didn't turn to watch him go. As much as part of my mind said ‘don’t go,’ there was a bigger piece that held onto an immense amount of excitement; I was almost hopeful even. Hopeful for an official alliance, of course. No other reason, I thought again as I chewed my lip and tried not to picture Dace dancing with potential brides.

The Heathern Court had quickly changed from being my first nightmare to suddenly feeling like I had a hand in building what it was now. It had gone on without me, Nymphs easily filling the roles that I played from day to day, but it still felt like there was a chance it would crumble without me. Maybe I was thinking too highly of myself.

Even though I knew I should pack a little something and catch some sleep before we left tomorrow, I still pushed off my chair and headed outside. I practiced the move Dace had shown me. I pushed my magic to build faster, smoother, deadlier, points until my head spun and my body felt drained. It could be done and it would be. And I wasn’t about to head into unknown territory until I had mastered something.

* * *

Somewhere past the daze of sleep that kept my body immobile, I could hear someone knocking, and my name being called a few times. It felt distant, like a dream that I had no control over.

“Ryker, are you in there?” the voice called.

I wanted to say ‘yes’ or more likely ‘go away, I’m still sleeping,’ but my lips couldn’t move. My body still felt drained from all the effort of my work yesterday. That, and I had stayed up far later than I should have, only giving myself the opportunity for a few hours of sleep.

They tested the door handle. I could hear it jiggle, knowing somewhere inside my head that I had locked it. The rattling stopped.

“Ryker? Are you okay?” My boot shook. No, not just my boot, my entire leg.

Consciousness began to return to me slowly. My eyes were unable to open until I felt the soft brush of fingers against my cheek, pushing the loose strands away from my face. I cracked an eye first and smiled at the blonde-haired prince who leaned casually against my mattress.

“Good morning, princess,” he whispered.“You’re really spoiling yourself with these late mornings, huh?”

I groaned and rolled to my back, becoming overly aware of the fact that I was still in yesterday's clothing, shoes included. “I may have pushed myself a little too hard last night,” I guessed. “What time is it?”

“Well, it’s about ten minutes away from time to jet on over to the Twinity Court.”

“No,” I whined and tossed him a pouty look.

“No?” He cleared his throat and sat up to give me his full attention. “What do you mean no? Do you not want to come any longer?” His voice was tainted with disappointment.

“It’s not that,” I started, finding my hand traveling to his and touching his knuckles lightly. “I haven't packed.”

“Oh,” he breathed. “That isn’t an issue.”

Dace slipped off the bed, the daggers on his belt tapping against the brown leather of his pants, his white button-down shirt snug against his lean torso. He had traded his boots for a dressier loafer, which made his steps quiet. With both hands, he dramatically opened the wardrobe and gave me a quick wink before making a show of stepping into the chaos that exploded from it.

His fingers skimmed over the material, pulling out soft pink hues until he finally clicked his tongue and pulled a hanger out. “Ah, here we are. This is all you really need. I can have new clothing sent up to your room. My parents will want you to dress formally for most occasions anyway. Hope you like dresses.”

“I don’t really.”

“Shame. Because I know just how beautiful you look in one.” He shrugged and held the dress at his side. His chin ticked up and he turned to face the bedroom door. A knock sounded. “Hope you’re ready because Daddy dearest is here to give you your free ride.”

My heartbeat sped up and my gaze traveled to the door. Dace twisted the lock and pulled the door toward him. His father, King Henrick, stepped into my room.

“It’s time to go, love,” Dace whispered and disappeared with a flash.

Sleep had eluded me most of the night. I thought that after traveling so much and missing so many hours of rest the night before that I would hit the bed hard and only wake once my bodily needs couldn’t be ignored any longer. Instead, my mind kept telling me how wrong I was to be here.After giving up on true rest, I washed in a hot bath, hoping to soothe myself into catching a moment of sleep, but instead found my hand reaching for the bottle of soap to lather up my growing need of release.

My task here included hurting someone that…I didn’t really want to hurt. When had that changed? The idea had come and gone in a fleeting thought that haunted me the rest of the night. Some sort of deranged nightmare I had found myself in and I couldn’t escape from even in my subconscious.

My rough hands smoothed down the fine materials of my uniform. I watched myself in the long mirror, waiting to see it shine red at the call of my queen. Expelling the breath I couldn’t hold any longer, I walked away in relief that she hadn’t called. But she would soon. The long span of time between her calls left me wondering what was happening at home. Be it good or bad.