Page 39 of Madness

“Everyone already sees us together and thinks we’re an item, and damn, if we wouldn’t make the cutest fucking babies.”

I nearly spat my wine across the table.Babies? Who is thinking about babies at a time like this? I already have enough trouble dealing with being attracted to someone, let alone wanting to get myself impregnated.

“But friends don’t have babies together,” I muttered after I swallowed the mouthful of wine and wiped the bit that had dripped out of my mouth in shock with the back of my hand.

“I’m just saying, I think I could change your mind if you gave me a shot.” He leaned back in his chair, holding his wine glass like this was a casual conversation everybody had. “I’ve loved you for five years and I want to show how much more I can love you. More than anybody else can.”

“And if it didn’t work? You don’t think it would ruin our friendship? Things wouldn’t return to normal,” I stuttered. My hands shook as I set down my glass and wiped my sweaty palms over my thighs.

“Who says it isn’t going to work?” His lips twitched with a sloppy grin.

“Dace wants me to go to the Twinity Court with him,” I blurted, my cheeks flaming red.

Daethian jutted his chin forward, his eyes narrowing. “What?”

“His parents are offering him his heir rights back if he soothes the rebellion in the Twinity Court.”

“Not to sound like I’m raining on your parade,” he dragged his hand over his face and looked down at the table for a minute before he brought his gaze back up, “but what does that have to do with you?”

And here was the part I was dreading. What was I supposed to say?

‘I lost a bet.’

‘I’ve been training with Dace and I’m trying to motivate him.’

I couldn’t tell Daethian how embarrassed Dace was about not being so great at travel manipulation, but not telling him also felt like a lie.

“It could be a great alliance to have another Fae who backs our revolution,” I stuttered.

“Yeah, I mean an alliance with someone of power would be good. So the fact that he has his crown back does work in our favor.” His eyes squeezed shut. His eyebrows created deep wrinkles between them as they scrunched together. One hand rose and rubbed at his temple.

“It’s good for us.” I smiled gently. I knew this would upset him, but in the end, he would be a good friend.

His eyes snapped back open, his pupils dark in the shadow of his downcast face. The hand that rubbed his temples slammed against the table, rattling the plates. “Who is us, Ryker?” he growled. “Because it sure as hell isn’t you and me.”

My smile fell as I leaned away from him. “It’s good for Nymphs. It’s good for everyone fighting this revolution, Daethian. I don’t understand why you’re getting so upset.”

“Upset?” He cackled, his lips spreading in a long, dark sneer. “I’m fucking outraged, Ryker. Are you blind?”

“I’m not blind.”

“It would take nothing.Nothing. For Dace to slap some shackles on you and throw you into slavery again in his court. You can’t leave this place. It’s safe for you here; it isn’t safe there.”

“I get why you would be concerned for me, really, but I can take care of myself,” I snapped. My hands gripped my wine glass as I took a long sip.

“You said that before. Remember? Then you and Graceson were taken hostage and you were nearly taken advantage of. You gave your word then that you could take care of yourself. How am I supposed to trust you now? I made a mistake when I told you to trust the Fae, Ryker. This is different than you trying to give them a chance when we were in the Acture Court because they helped us get started. Now it’s time for us to take control.” His hands gripped the table and the wood groaned with the pressure. “I told you to trust the Fae. Not fuck them.”

Anger flashed through me, but I didn’t lash out. No, this was a much more dangerous rage. It calmed me. It stilled my entire body. I pushed myself out of my chair, knocking it to the floor behind me.

“That’s not true, and you know it.” I hissed.“Don’t you dare speak to me like I’m some common tart. Why are you being so cruel?”

His head bobbed in a funny small smile for a moment. Then his eyes pressed shut once more, and he brought both hands up to hold his head. A growl passed over his lips. I was sure he would stand up and scream back. I’d never seen him this mad before.

He let go of his head and let out a long breath. “I, uh,” the red glow of anger in his face faded. He stood up out of his chair. “I have to go. I can’t. I’m sorry, Ryker. I’m sorry,” he muttered under his breath as he dashed out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

By the Mother.

That didn’t go well.