Page 31 of Madness

“She wants you to take a bride. Once you are wed, your parents have agreed to step down from the throne, and you and your bride will become the king and queen of the Twinity Court. At that point, you can free the slaves.”

Every ounce of air that had filled my lungs escaped me now. I wheezed like I’d been punched in the gut. Because, in a way, I had. My mother had always pushed for me to marry, and now this was her way of doing it. Her last hoorah before she couldn’t force me into things anymore.

Plus, I never really wanted to be king. Not yet, anyway. I wanted my power as prince back. I wanted my parents to listen to me with the respect they showed everyone else. I wanted the Nymphs to be free. I just didn’t think it would happen so quickly.

My throat and mouth felt dry. Suddenly, the thought of doing anything but throwing up felt impossible. A warm body slipped near mine. Her face filling my vision.

“It’s okay, Dace,” Ryker whispered. “Isn’t this what you want?”

Had she seen the panic in me so easily? I blinked, trying to force away everything that terrified me about being king. This was absolute madness, what they were proposing. Yet it had to be done. For the good of everyone involved.

My skin buzzed where Ryker’s brushed mine. It felt wrong to agree to this with her here. It felt like I was turning away from everything that destiny had offered me. My mother wouldn’t allow a Nymph to be my bride.

“Tell my parents,” I looked down and stared at Ryker’s vibrant green eyes, “that I accept their offer. Give me time, two days at the most, to conclude my affairs here and I’ll return.”

“Thank you.” He bowed and vanished for the final time.

I was a prince again. Or would be soon enough. I was no longer going to be a nobody.My heartbeat resounded in my ears, my skin tingling.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I turned and shouted to the sky as Ryker slipped her hand out of mine. “This is insane.”

“It’s a golden opportunity, really.” She chewed at her lip.

“Oh my gods.” I ran in a circle at the bottom of the stairs, running up and grabbing her in a large hug. I pressed her slender frame to my body and spun around once. “We are going to win this fucking war.” Ignoring how my cheeks ached from my grin, I pressed my lips to her forehead in the briefest of kisses.

Ryker’s cheeks were tinted crimson as I set her back down and she looked at her feet. With one finger, I lifted her chin so I could see the slight grin she wore. Moonlight filtered through the clouds, illuminating her face. I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to kiss her directly on the lips.

“You’re going to lead your people to freedom, Ryker. And I’m going to help,” I whispered.

Jesseline appeared next to us. “Good news, I take it?”

“Great,” I beamed before looking to Ryker. “I’m afraid my excitement might make it hard for me to concentrate. Shall I walk you back to your room?”

Ryker hugged herself as another breeze lifted her ponytail and nodded. Ringlets had fallen down around her face as we had worked, and they framed her in the most beautiful way. Her eyes drooped, dark, telling circles had formed underneath them as she shifted her gaze back to me.

“That’s a good idea after all this excitement.” She waved to Jesseline who disappeared with a smile. Her hand fell back to her side where her arms swung as she started up the steps. I wanted to take her hand in mine again. Press more kisses to her skin.

“So,” she continued, “if you leave soon, when do you think we’ll see you again? Or maybe Jesseline will go with you and she and Slyke can message back and forth.”

If I leave, Ryker stays here. That didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to leave her again. Taking the steps two at a time, I caught up to her, trying to refrain from looking too deep in thought.

“Or I could come back and visit. We should still try to do what work we can on our powers.” My unspoken‘and I want to see you again’hung between us.

“Won't you be busy getting married?” She didn’t look at me when she spoke this time. Her attention remained focused on the last few steps before we reached the doors.

“I don’t intend for that to be something that takes a lot of my time. Not if it isn’t the right person.”

Not if it isn’t you, I wanted to scream.

Inside, the hallways were mostly empty. Nymphs were in the dining hall eating or maybe some were sleeping. Ryker led the way back toward our rooms.

“Are you going to share the news tonight?” She slipped her hands into the pockets of her shorts as we approached her bedroom door.

I sighed with contentment and turned toward my door. “No, I think that will have to wait until tomorrow morning at least. I need a moment to just soak it in.” Carefully, I leaned forward, turning the knob of her door for her. “Here,” I offered. “Holler if you need help with any more expensive gowns. I’m just down the hall.”

“Not for much longer though,” she pointed out, stepping into her room.

“Have Jesseline come get me, and I’ll be here faster than you can say anyone else's name.” I leaned into the door frame, but she pulled the door closed just a little bit more.