Page 58 of The Last Royal

Knuckles tapped at the closed door. Ace groaned, only to bury her head in Shelby’s neck as she reveled in the vibration of his easy laughter.

“Go away,” Shelby coughed.

“King Osiris is ready to crown you in front of the people. He has requested that I hurry you along.” A man spoke, his voice muffled through the door.

“King Osiris can wait a few more minutes.”

There was a small cough. The clearing of a throat. “Your grandmother has arrived.”

His head tipped back, giving Ace the perfect spot to press another quick kiss too before she sat herself up. “Shit,” he cursed. “We will be out shortly.” His steps faded away. “My grandmother shouldn’t be left alone with any of the Fae. Who knows what she might do.”

Ace could spend her entire day here, like this, with Shelby touching her constantly. The truth was they had already spent countless hours doing just that. Neither of them had found sleeping to be painless. Nightmares of her family’s deaths repeated whenever she tried. If it wasn’t a dream about them then she’d heard Shelby’s neck crack and wake up in a sheen of sweat. Each time her heart shattered a little bit more.

So, no, sleeping was not easy, but this was. The room they’d shared had completely been scandalized by the sex they’d had on every surface they could manage. Even on the mornings when they were supposed to head into meetings with King Osiris to iron out the final details of their rule, they hadn’t left the room before they’d thoroughly ravished one another.

Sticking out her bottom lip, Ace drifted away from his body allowing him to first exit the tub. Shining droplets snaked down his body, highlighting the lean muscle of his back before they followed the curve of his ass. His fingers sunk into a fluffy white towel, lifting it from its hook before he turned. Ace’s eyes darted…

Shelby barked a laugh, offering the towel. “Come.”

She stood, thankful for the heated room. It was his turn to watch and she let him admire her as water glistened in the heat of the surrounding candles and lantern. He wrapped her in the towel, kissing her once more before going their separate ways to dress.

In the closet that went on for what felt like miles, Ace was met by a young servant girl who escorted her behind a divider for dressing. Ace had already been scrubbed, waxed, and plucked in places she didn’t even know she should be bothering with upon her first bath. All that was left was to be dressed, and to greet the crowd outside the castle.

It was easy to ignore the responsibilities that were now hers when it was her and Shelby. However, alone, her mind began to race and her stomach rioted with thousands of little explosions. Her thoughts kept her busy as she slipped into a gown, had her hair tied at the nape of her neck, and makeup brushed lightly over her features.

“You’re ready, Queen Ace.” The girl dipped into a low curtsey.

With a whisper of thanks, Ace slipped back into the bedroom. Shelby leaned against the wall picking at the skin along his now manicured nails, waiting. He righted himself as she entered, giving Ace the view of the long black tunic embroidered with a swirling plum colored pattern that ran along the buttons. A purple cravat, made of the same material the scarves the queens had their warlocks wear, was tucked under the buttons of his collar. He bowed low before offering his arm.

“Are you ready for this?” Ace breathed.

“No, but I think the people of Pasia are.” He offered her one last look before twisting the knob and stepping out into the hallways.

“Oh, thank the Gods, I was beginning to think I came all this way for nothing!” A weathered voice snipped. Shelby’s grandmother sucked on her teeth before she waddled her way over, a guard stationed at her side.

“I told her she could wait for you in the sitting room but she was adamant that she be brought to your room.” The guard apologized.

“It’s fine.” Shelby responded over his grandmother’s shoulder as he leaned down to give her a tight hug.

The wrinkles on her face doubled as she squeezed her eyes shut. After a moment, she pulled away but still held him at arms length. The smile that lit her face fell as she swatted his arm. Shelby stepped away, with a growl, holding his arm.

“Now look what you’ve gone and done.” She pointed her finger at Ace. “I told you this girl would be trouble and here you are getting ready to be crowned king.” The old woman rolled her eyes. “Do you know what happens to kings? People try to kill them. Now I’ll be worried day in and day out.”

“Grandma this is far better than being enslaved to the queens,” he tried to reason.

She glared at him, mouth puckered. Before she could argue anymore the guard cleared his throat. “They are waiting for you.”

From the hallway the cheers outside were even more apparent. They echoed through the halls, calling them forth to the crowd. Shelby offered his other arm to his grandma, leaning generously as he walked both her and Ace toward the sound.

“The decree for the warlock’s freedom has been issued, correct?” Ace asked.

“Yes, my queen, you’ll find many are in attendance today.”

The doors to the large balcony that overlooked the courtyard were pushed open, letting in the sun. King Osiris’s and his brothers’ shadows stretched into the castle. They reached the doors and every ounce of air was caught in her chest unable to escape. Humans, warlocks, and witches alike had come together and spanned as far as the eye could see. Her fingers dug into Shelby’s arm as her legs began to wobble.

We did it.She said to the gods in spite of the fact that they could no longer answer her. A small part of her missed their presence.

Margo stood, holding a large pillow with two crowns balanced on top as she bounced on her toes. Jewels as big as Ace’s eyes sparkled.

The crowd cheered the low rumble of their chants finding its way to them. “Long live the king and queen. Long live the king and queen.”

Thus she and Shelby were crowned in front of their country, and when those gems were resting on top of their heads, the gods showed their favor as flowers bloomed around the castle, clouds disappeared over head, and a haul of shooting stars burning orange and pink shot across the sky.