Page 68 of End of the Sword

Every ounce of holy fire that was inside of her died out. The last of the sparks fell slowly to the ground where they faded into the dirt. Her mouth had dropped open, her body trembling from the whiplash of emotions.

“What?” she whispered, the question nearly getting swept away on a gust of wind that pushed her hair from her face.

“Don’t make me say it again,” Shelby said quietly, his face pointed to his feet. He ran a hand over his hair, rubbing at his neck.

“Please.” Ace was starting to smile. “Say it again.”

Shelby looked up, vulnerable hope still sparkling in his gaze. “Ace.”

Her eyes fluttered closed, a shiver chasing away the last of her anger as he said her name like it was the most precious thing on the planet. Both her slippered feet slipped from the step as Shelby surged forward, taking her face in both his hands and walking them off the steps. She’d barely breathed in the scent of his soap before he stole her breath away and sealed his lips over hers.

Shelby flattened away any ounce of air that remained between them, crushing his lips to hers in silent demand. Curling her fingers into his button up shirt, Ace held him tightly. She pushed back with a hunger she refused to ignore any longer, her mouth parting, tongue daring to push past his clenched teeth.

His fingers worked their way into her hair. He gripped her against him as if he was afraid she might suddenly turn to smoke or bolt away. Ace savored the sandpaper of his stubble scratching her cheeks while she worked her mouth against his.

Her pulse was pounding in her ears, her body going limp against him. Shelby held her up, his hands sliding down her back and fingers splaying wide. He kissed her exactly how Ace had always wanted him to, like she’d never been kissed before in her life. Moist and hot and breathy. Most of all it was a consuming kiss that she could feel all the way down to her toes as they curled in her shoes.

His lips softened as they eased into it. For this one beautiful moment, they weren’t fighting each other or taunting. Warmth rose in her cheeks as his tongue flicked against hers like a jolt of lightning that shot fire through her veins. It was quick and delicious before becoming something unyielding and determined.

He chased the kiss as if it would give him answers. There was a curious question that lingered in between them that only their tangling limbs and pressed lips could answer. Curiosity followed after the feeling of heat that connected them, pursuing the feeling of heat that shot through both of them.

Their breaths were shared, Ace’s fingers exploring each and every dip of his body she’d longed to touch. Shelby’s lips tore from hers to trail along her jaw and press to the curve of her neck.

“I love you,” he said into her neck.

She moaned and held onto him tighter, refusing to let him go. “Oh, thank the gods,” she whispered up to the sky and for once she truly meant it. Tiny trembles made it evident how she’d wished for this moment as his finger kneaded along her rib cage.

Every thought was consumed with this one passionate moment. She didn’t want it to end. The breeze shifted as if it too wanted to guide them in through the door Shelby had left open. Ace pressed into him, searching his mouth out with hers. Shelby moaned into her, an enticing sound that made her thighs press together before his hands roamed down to cup her backside, his fingers gathering fabric before he lifted her up off the ground.

The fabric of her dress rode up her legs, leaving her exposed and reducing the material between her and Shelby. Arousal had made him thick between them, the press of his want shifting against her center.

Ace couldn’t catch her breath. She couldn’t stop touching and feeling every inch of him and soaking it all up as he walked them into the house. Both arms wrapped around his neck and poured every single ounce of her aggression into their kisses. The cold press of plaster met her shoulders as he leaned her into a wall, fingers curling into the flesh of her thighs as he rocked against her.

She groaned into his mouth and he sucked the noise right out of her as he inhaled it. Her entire body responded as tendrils of want curled and built like trapped smoke lower in her stomach. One of Shelby’s hands felt for a knob of the door next to him, his mouth never leaving hers. He was devouring her and she was going to let him.

The door opened beside them and they were moving once more. Every step ground their hips together drawing forth a greater need.

Ace didn’t need to open her eyes to know that there was little light in the room. Shelby was guided only by the small beam of moonlight that managed to make its way through the slightly parted curtains. Slowly, he lowered Ace to the bed. The blankets soaked up all the heat sandwiching Ace in warmth.

Shelby sucked in a breath between them, pulling away to look down at her. She could only see the barest outline of his cheekbones and the slightest reflected light in his eyes. She couldn’t stop staring at him. Her fingers traced along the collar of his shirt, teasing at the top button.

“Do you want this?” He searched her face for an answer.

She nodded, slipping the button undone and moving to the next. He smiled and brushed his lips over hers.

“I need to hear you say yes.”

Ace managed another button before her fingernails scraped up his neck and pulled his head low enough for her to speak against his ear. Her nose nuzzled the side of his face relishing in the softness of his flesh and the contrast of his sandpaper stubble.

“I want you, Shelby. I love you, Shelby. Yes.”

She’d hardly been able to say it all before Shelby was shuddering against her. The hot press of his mouth moved down her neck. He sucked and kissed down her neck, his tongue occasionally lapping against her skin to taste.

The weight of his body pressed down on her and it only shifted when he sat up to shrug out of his jacket as Ace tried to push it away. Struggling to catch her breath, she pulled herself out from under his legs to finish the buttons of his shirt.

Her attention lifted back up to his face as his chest was exposed along with the scars that curved around his torso and the larger white mark of death in his middle. He was watching her carefully. His knuckles caressed her cheekbone before a single finger skimmed her jawline and traced her lower lip.

The sounds of the party were distant now. Music was muffled on the other side of several walls and doors. All Ace could hear was the steady beating of their hearts and the mingling of their already ragged breaths.