Page 57 of End of the Sword

Shelby stared at her hand. His grip nearly swallowed hers as he shook it twice before grimacing and pulling away. “Quite a grip,” he mumbled.

“Thank you. Dad says a handshake is the first chance to make a good impression.”

“You must have all been such a happy family. I’m surprised you could even have children; I thought you’d be too old for that.”

Shelby’s shoulders had hunched forward. Slowly but surely the man was curling in on himself. Ace scooted a little closer until their legs were touching. It wasn’t much but it was all she could offer.

“Shelby, I’m not near as old as you think I am.” She closed the door again. “We’re so happy you’re back and you’re okay.”

“Okay?” He laughed. Not the kind of laugh you’d share with a friend. Shelby laughed like he’d just murdered someone and liked it.

Ace watched him out of the corner of her eyes. She wondered if he got too worked up if those wings would spring out of his shoulders and send her toppling to the floor. Perhaps she should have scooted away.

“I grew up as aslave. I am notokay.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Shelby sneered, lowering his face into his hands while Margo’s gaze turned from him to Ace. The young girl stared into her orange eyes with blatant curiosity and hardly any fear. Ace stared back.

“Is this your girlfriend?”

“My girl—” Shelby looked up following his sisters’ gaze to Ace. “Ace? What? No.” He shook his head and groaned. “She’s engaged to Mr. Perfect next door.”

“Rehan?” Margo perked up. “Oh, he is so nice!”

“You talked to him?” Ace asked.

“Yeah, I went in there before I came in here. I gave him half of my bread from lunch that I saved. I knew something big was going to happen today. Oh, here.” Slipping a hand into her pocket, she dug around before pulling out half a crumbling roll. “Areyouhungry?”

Ace’s stomach growled in response.

A smile stretched from ear to ear. “Here!”

“Don’t give that to her!” One swipe of his hand and Shelby knocked the roll onto the floor where it slid under the cot.

“Hey!” Margo shouted.

“She doesn’t want to eat an old piece of bread that’s been sitting in your pocket since lunchtime. That’s gross.”

“Or thoughtful.” Ace nudged Shelby with her elbow, talking out the side of her mouth. “Be kind. She is your sister.”

“I don’t even know her.”

“My name is Margo Stroud. I’m thirteen. My favorite color is—”

Shelby held his hand up to cut her off. “Please just stop.”

Margo glared, giving Shelby the same look he’d given Ace on more than one occasion. “She’s hungry,” the girl finally whined.

Ace’s angry growling stomach could not deny it either.

Derfla looked somewhere between exasperated and just excited to be in the room. The witch set her hands on Margo’s shoulder trying to steer her toward the door. “I need to talk to your brother.”

“Can I take Ace to go get some food? And get her ready for the party?”

“There’s a party?” Ace coughed.

“Well, we have to celebrate that the wards came down, silly.” The girl batted at Ace like the question was just ridiculous.