Page 55 of End of the Sword

Was that concern she detected in Shelby’s voice? Ace cracked an eye open—she hadn’t realized she’d even closed them.

“It’s cute when you show that you care.” Warmth from the ground was heating her through her cloak. Even though she felt sticky and wet the sensation was pulling her toward sleep. Her eyes ached in that tired way that begged her to give in to the feeling.

“You shouldn’t call someone cute that isn’t your fiancé.”

Rehan settled at her side, trying to avoid the puddle of blood that had formed. Crimson stained his shirt, large dots of it created streaking lines down his pants. “I really don’t mind. Plus, I agree. It’s cute, warlock.”

Rehan was really too nice for his own good.

“Ace.” A large palm pushed at her shoulder. “Don’t close your eyes.”

“My eyes aren’t closed.”

“Yes, they are.”

She tried to lift them but somehow her eyelashes had turned to lead weights. Then she realized she couldn’t feel her hands anymore.

“Hey! Can you hear that?” a warlock shouted. The group quieted to listen.

Shelby’s presence at her side disappeared, his steps fading away. Ace strained to listen too. She tried to close her hand around the sword, unsure if she’d even moved at all. There were voices, excited shouts, the scurrying of feet.

“Ace,” Rehan said, “it’s working.”

She hummed in response.

“We need more blood.” A dark demanding voice was surging forward. “It’s not enough.”

“She’s already bleeding too much,” Shelby snarled.

“To break the ward—”

“Then you bleed!”

The heel of a boot jostled her hand. She wanted to care…but she didn’t. Not when everything was drifting away. Even the small thread of panic that warned her she was dying.

“This was very dangerous.” A woman spoke in a hushed tone. “Do you know what these people are?”

“Look at me. They are no different than what I’ve become.”

“Shelby.” The voice broke. “I wished I’d been there to help.”

“But you weren’t.”

He sounded so…so sad, so broken. All she wanted was to wrap him up in a hug.

Bright light turned the inside of her eyelids red. The weight on her lashes had lessened enough she was able to start to open them. The light was even brighter as she tried to shield her face from its source. Cloth slipped from her arm as she moved her hand to shield her face.

“She’s waking up.”

With a grunt she sat up toward the voices, her body threatening to topple over an edge she hadn’t known was there.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ace wheezed as her body caught against muscle and flesh. “Lay down.” Dots were dancing across her vision, images slowly coming into focus. Two lines creased Shelby’s forehead as he looked down at her. “Are you crazy?” he hissed.

“She lost a lot of blood. She should be dead, her friend too.”

“Rehan.” Her voice was scratchy like she hadn’t had a drink in years.

“He’s fine. Sleeping in the other room like a baby. Just lay down.”