Page 2 of End of the Sword

“Oh, gods,” Ace hissed under her breath. Her hand on the railing was the only thing that kept her from toppling down the grand staircase as she leapt two steps at a time.

Heels digging into the ground, she turned following the sweet scent of breakfast, nearly running into a younger woman with clothing stacked in her hands. The girl’s green eyes went wide, eyebrows arching up to her sandy blonde hair carefully arranged in a bun on top of her head. Ace stifled a gasp with her hand as it rose up to her lips.

“‘I’m so sorry,” Ace said through her fingers.

Last night this house had been empty. Last night there wasn’t anyone else here to witness her unnatural state or to judge her by the fire in her eyes.

“I—” The girl looked her up and down, her attention burning along the scar on Ace’s throat. “You’re real.”

“Rehan!” Ace’s voice rose in answer. She was already moving, surging away from the woman who looked at her like she was something spectacular.

Rehan’s bright gaze appeared in the doorway at the end of the hall. His wide hands pressed into the doorframe as he cocked his head to watch Ace swat her frizzy brown waves out of her face. Within a second Shelby’s towering frame was behind him, a crispy piece of bacon in his hand, a smirk pulling at his full lips.

“Good morning.” Rehan pursed his lips to hide his smile. His glowing orange eyes danced with mischief as they took all of her in.

With each breath, Ace could feel the drape of the fabric that hung over the peaks of her breasts then cascaded down to her ankles. She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced over her shoulder to watch the girl pick up a sock that had fallen from her pile.

“Good morning,” she finally bit out. “Would you like to explain why there was a woman bowing down at the foot of my bed?”

“She came to kiss your feet.” Shelby pursed his lips in a mocking kiss.

Ace’s lip curled.

“Why don’t you come eat breakfast?” Rehan gestured into the room behind him, bumping into Shelby as he turned. He gave a short nod up in Shelby’s direction. “Excuse me.”

Shelby’s expression had gone near unreadable as he looked down at Rehan but he took a step away from him leaving the doorway open for Ace to enter the room. “You look cozy.” Shelby’s lips twitched. “Did you enjoy sleeping in?”

“I might’ve.” Ace made sure to poke him with her elbow as she walked by, “except I was startled by a woman calling me ‘Miss Angel.’”

Rehan’s dining room matched the rest of his home. It was a style that Ace had started to think of as ‘cozy riches.’ The pine floors were swept clean around a large rug so rich in design it could have only been made by a skillful warlock. (Or witch—Ace had come to find recently, actually existed somewhere hidden away by thick spells.)

Four large windowed doors let light in, creating a glare off the glass frames of the artwork hung over floral wallpaper. One polished table with ten chairs neatly arranged around it was set for three people. Steam rose off of what Ace assumed were Rehan and Shelby’s plates. Ace walked slowly to the table, aware of her heavy steps against the floor while Shelby and Rehan seemed to glide across the room.

She ran a finger over the edge of the dish. Her plate remained empty giving her a good view of the delicately painted design of the china. Soft swirls of navy blue, delicate budding roses, and green thorny vines curled around the edges of the small platter.

“So fancy,” she murmured under her breath.

Rehan stopped next to her. “Only the finest for my first guests in over a year.” With that, he pulled Ace’s chair out and waited patiently for her to sit.

A gentleman,Mina cooed. Both Ace and Rehan chose to ignore the goddess’ commentary while Ace tucked the nightdress under her.

“Thank you.” Ace cleared her throat.Perhaps I should have dressed myself before rushing down here.

After a breath and after both Rehan and Shelby—who’d narrowed his eyes on Rehan relentlessly—sat down to the table she finally reached out to pick up a cream cheese filled pastry. The crust flaked under her fingertips, cream cheese oozing from its ends. Ace inhaled the scent deeply and smiled. This was the smell of home.

Gods, I miss Maipeg.

“So you’ve met Posy.” Rehan picked up his fork, spearing eggs on its end. “And Giselle.” Loose strands of his dark hair fell across his eyes like a veil, his head tipping the direction of the woman who stopped at the end of the table.

It was the young girl from the hall, the fallen clothing neatly stacked back in her hands. She gave a quick bow and set the stack at the end of the table along with Ace’s boots. Her eyes lingered between the three of them, watching Ace the longest before she turned and left the room.

“She was bringing you up a change of clothes. I didn’t think you’d want to be in any of my sister’s fanciful gowns for travel. Posy was to help turn down the bed and help you dress. I apologize if they frightened you. The maids in this house are known for being quite religious.”

“That must have worked in your favor,” Shelby said, the undertone of insult plain.

“I have been very blessed.” Rehan sipped from his glass, returning the gaze over the rim.

With a quick look around the room, Ace confirmed that all signs of Rehan’s staff had cleared before she spoke. “A little warning would have gone a long way. Posy about scared my soul right back out of my body.”