Page 63 of End of the Sword

“Radeem? Radeem Beudra? Thefuckingson of King Rome? You stole a fucking Fae prince?!”

“Someone will want him! Then we can bargain for our people.”

“I have already bargained for our people.” Shelby’s words were spit out like venom.

“With those demons? With thatgirl?”

“Do not talk about something you do not know about, Mother.”

“I know what they are. But do you know what gods influence them? There are more gods than we even know the names of and plenty of them only wish to consume this world with chaos and darkness.”

Ace’s heart beat in her chest filling their silence.

“Are you implying that my friends do not have good intentions?”

“They are not your friends. Whatever little thing you have going on with that girl is not real. You even said it yourself, she’d engaged to that other man. Strangers, the both of them and you’ve followed them around—”

“I did it for you!” Something slammed hard, causing Ace to flinch.

I shouldn’t be listening to this. I should warn Rehan.

Having a Fae prince might interfere with their deal with King Osiris and being on the same side as the Fae was likely far better than not. They’d need his troops at some point or another.

Ace spun, her dress catching on thorns. A pair of blue eyes glowed in the night, under sculpted black brows and curling black hair. The man’s head tilted and a silver crown glistened there before it faded away in a puff of smoke.

A startled yelp broke free as Ace jumped backward, tripping over the vegetables and landing on her butt in a bush. Light streaked across the yard casting Ace’s shadow before her. She pushed her palms into the dirt trying to untangle from the brush.

“Ace?” Shelby closed the door quickly behind him.

“Shelby!” Ace started to warn him, throwing a hand up as if that might keep him away. When she turned back to the open gate, the Fae king was gone.

Queen Ambrose

Ambrose had never considered immortality. In all honesty, she didn’t know that it was something that truly existed. Even the Fae were not immortal, though their lives spanned several centuries.

Her knuckles tapped against the door. She’d only needed five minutes to contemplate it and even if she sat in that room for several more hours, or even days, she knew that decision would not change.

The door was unlocked and swung open to reveal Burke who didn’t look at all surprised to see her. “Make up your mind already?”

“Have you been standing outside my door this whole time?”


“Burke.” The queen settled him with a stern glare.

“What?” He shrugged. “I didn’t. I took a walk around the halls and then came back. Just in time too it would seem.”

Ambrose had half a mind to turn back and close the door just so she could watch the look on his face. Burke was a smart mouth, that’s why he always got along with that Hollis boy that was always poking fun.

“I want to see—”

“Ophelia.” Burke smiled as he finished her sentence. “I figured.”

“What would you say if I wanted to go see our favorite architect?”

“I wouldn’t say anything. Who am I to stand between you and true love?” He walked backwards down the hall, allowing Ambrose to follow behind him. “I might be a little upset you didn’t choose me though.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right. I do want to see Ophelia.”