“If only you knew, little sis...” Enzo ruffles her hair.

Groaning, Holly smacks his hand and skips a couple of feet forward. She plugs her ears with her fingers. “Babies are magical. They just appear. It takes an alpha seed to be buried in an omega’s love and poof. That is how my niece or nephew came to be. No one tell me otherwise. I’m not going to ever think about how it’s done with you guys.”

“You hear that, Beckett? That’s exactly how it’s done. Don’t you fucking think otherwise.” Wilder punches Beckett in the arm, making him bark a laugh.

“That’s enough,” I say, sneaking next to Wilder and squeezing him. “If you all keep talking about baby-making, we’re going to have to cut this trip short. I don’t know about you, but I really want to see how awesome our club is.”

“She’s right. There’s a waitlist and everything. Other territories keep inquiring about when things will be open for them.” Desmond pulls out his cell phone and looks at the screen. “We’ve already made our region famous. I’ve had other Pack Regimes reach out to us to see if they can check things out for themselves.”

“Just wait until we have a baby boom,” Arsenio says, winking at me. “We’ll have to shut down every season. Packs are going to grow at an incredible rate. I can’t wait to see the next generation.”

I touch my hands to my stomach, imagining what it would be like to hold our child in my arms. “Me too.”

Music hums from the arched doorway to what was formally the ballroom. The expansive entertainment area now has booths lining the walls and tables and chairs set up everywhere. A dance floor is the central focal point, and it is more casual than luxurious, a place that welcomes anyone who has an interest in finding a mate.

And it’s not just exclusive to alphas and omegas. Betas are welcome to mingle too. There are so many betas in the world that get overlooked because alphas have made it so, but things are changing. This is about bringing packs together. No matter what order they manifested into.

I spot the two-way mirrors along the back wall where the bar has been expanded. Behind them are dozens of rooms where omegas can just watch and decide whether or not they will agree to meet with another. Every person that comes into the club submits an application. There are tablets at the bar that allow them to look over things and also put in a request to meet one-on-one. There is also the option to just hang out and see if you mesh without any of the technical stuff. Because what’s most important is that everyone gets to choose. People will no longer be used to barter power or to gain anything. Our society will be better for it.

“Kinsey!” Anita’s familiar voice rings out, drawing my attention to the omega as she sits at a high-top table, wearing a glittering mini dress, stilettos, and diamonds in her ears. “I’m so happy you came.”

Anita hops from her seat across from a couple of other omegas, and she saunters in our direction. She stops a couple of feet away and raises her eyebrows, flaring her nostrils. As someone who has been in an omega club for who knows how long, she would be able to catch the scent of a bond.

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it. What do you think of the renovations? We couldn’t have done this without you.” I hold out my hands to her, getting her to step closer.

“Yes, you could have, but I’m thrilled to do whatever I can. I’m just glad that I can manage things for you. Especially now...is a congratulation in order?” She grins with her words, already assuming the answer.

I bob my head and smile. “It is.”

She squeals and jumps up and down, pulling me into a hug. Holly feeds off our excitement and joins us, the three of us surely drawing attention from everyone in the room.

“I’m so happy for you. I mean it. You deserve it.” Anita takes a step back. She turns to my guys. “As do you. You continue to prove just what amazing leaders you are. I look forward to knowing that our territory will never be taken down a dark path again.”

My heart fills with such joy that I turn and open my arms for my guys to hug me. Anita pulls Holly away to show her everything, and the Silverstein Pack follows behind them. I savor this moment. It feels amazing to finally have peace. To have a place safe from any threats.

My life is a dream come true.

“I’m so proud of you, Kinsey. I can’t tell you enough. When we had planned the hostile takeover, we didn’t think much about what happened after. You are the reason we have succeeded. You are now the reason we will continue to grow and thrive.” Wilder kisses me softly, and I rest my face against his.

“It’s not just me. It’s all of us. Together and united equally.” The four of them hug me, squishing me between their bodies in a protective circle. “This is just the beginning.”

And for the first time in a long time, I know that whatever happens next will be even better. This is my perfect life, and I will savor every second of it. Forever.

Chapter twenty-eight



Istandinfrontof the full-length mirror, staring at the emerald-green ball gown with crystals glittering on the sweetheart bodice. I loved it since the moment I saw it, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever have the chance to wear it. It felt as if the universe was against this union, but in actuality, it was just the world wanting to set itself right to ensure it would be the wedding of all of our dreams.

“You’re absolutely stunning, Kinsey.” Holly helps fasten an emerald necklace around my throat. “I can’t wait to see my brothers’ faces. I’ve never seen them smile so much in my entire life. You’re so perfect for them. I want you to know that. From the moment we met, I knew you’d be my sister.”

I turn around and throw my arms around her, hugging her close and kissing each of her cheeks. Tears rim her eyes, and she sniffles, but I know by her scent that she is as excited as I am.

“And I’m so thankful for you. You mean the world to me, Holly. You have no idea how grateful I am that you agreed to walk me down the aisle.” Because it’s usually the parental omega’s job as the one who brought another into the world to do so. Holly is the closest I have. She brought me into her family without hesitation, showing me just how loving and caring she is.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s an honor. And maybe you can do the same for me one day.” Holly kisses my forehead and pulls away to give me another once-over.