“We are connected to all territories in Saint Vista. We’ll start rolling in two minutes.” A beta in a suit stands behind the camera, remaining expressionless, but I can tell he’s just as anxious to know what’s going on as I’m sure all the people of Saint Vista are. The whole region is on lockdown and waiting in anticipation to hear why there was a war and what happens to them now.

Armand, Cameron, and Spencer from our allying territories finish off our group. We are officially the leaders of the Pack Regimes until the proper authority is put into place in the territories that have fallen.

“Sixty seconds.” The cameraman looks through the lens and then adjusts his video monitor. This moment will put me and my pack in history. Those before us will be forgotten as we pave the way for a more equal future. We are taking Kinsey’s idea about a club for alphas and turning it regional. And maybe as others see our region thrive, they’ll begin to change, and the ripple effect will spread far and wide across the world.

“Ten seconds.” The beta counts down on his fingers, pointing to me when the red light on the camera lights up, ensuring that our faces appear across every phone, TV, and our voices hum through all radios and the loudspeakers used to send direct messages to the territories.

“This message has been long awaited, and it’s with great seriousness that we announce the reformation of the Saint Vista region.” I rest my hands on the table, summoning the power of my pack behind me. “We understand that many of you have experienced unthinkable tragedy over the last few weeks as the war between territories ignited and surprised everyone. But from the devastation of our actions, we will rebuild and be stronger than ever. I’m formally announcing that the following leaders and their packs have been thrown from power. Herbert of the Dark Orchards Pack. Chavez of the Ginger Rains Pack. Emmanuel of the Bronze Deserts Pack. Edwin of the Rosewood Pack, and the head of the Saint Vista Pack Regimes, Jarvis of the Starlight Horizon Pack. Until new leaders have been selected, you’ll be in the care of Gilded Sands along with those remaining allies. We will mourn for the week, but then we will pick back up. I also wanted to announce for the first time in our history, we have elected an omega to lead a territory. Holly from the new Platinum Shores Pack. She will create great change alongside us as her advisors.”

In this moment, I wish I could see the reactions of every alpha across the region. I’m sure there will be some who need to be put in their places, but I’m also sure that omegas and betas will celebrate such a monumental occasion.

“Please know that anyone who speaks out against our decision will be handled accordingly. We will rule with an iron fist until the adjustment phase is over. It will be hard. It will be new and unfamiliar. But in the end, it’ll be worth it. We will not tolerate the division of orders any longer. We will not tolerate the mistreatment and use of omegas as a power-play or property. We will not tolerate the inhumane treatment of omegas and betas alike. Our strict rule will affect those who think they are better and deserve more because of their alpha order. That is no longer the case. Alphas are nothing without betas and omegas. We will be stronger together. We will offer a choice. We will also need to learn and grow and accept a new regional order. Thank you, people of Saint Vista. It is an honor to lead you to this new change.”

I nod my head, motioning to the cameramen to cut off the live stream. The people will not be left floundering with this news as we have all selected worthy packs to help with the transition.

Enzo squeezes my shoulders, leaning over and grinning in my face. “Dad would be so fucking pissed off right now. He’d be kicking and screaming, throwing one hell of a tantrum.”

“I’m sure a lot of hotheaded alphas are doing the same.” Armand offers me a nod in respect. “It is an honor to finally be able to reform our laws. We will thrive.”

He’s right. It’s all I could’ve asked for. The pain, the anger, the bloodshed were all worth it. I will never take this power for granted.


Kinsey shrieks, ducking down, forcing me to jump over her. I flail my arms, almost tripping over my own damn feet. I spin around as she hops up, her smile as bright as her emerald-green eyes.

“You can’t run from me forever, brat-girl.” I growl with a playful smile, faking her out by lunging but not moving from my spot.

She jumps and dodges only to stumble across the workout mat. I charge her, scooping her up and tossing her on my shoulder. She laughs, hanging without resistance. So, I tickle her. I want her to fight me.

“Take me down, brat-girl,” I say, poking her in her sides, scrubbing my fingers up to her ribs. “You can’t just give up.”

Kinsey thrashes, laughing as I move my hand, tickling the back of her knee next. Smacking her hands to my shoulder, she shrieks again, using her weight to throw me off balance. I wobble, repositioning my legs. Kinsey stops fighting again, accepting defeat.

“You’re too strong. I can’t do it.” Kinsey yanks at the hem of my shirt, trying to tickle me back, but it doesn’t work...not in the way she wants, at least.

“Come on, brat-girl. I know you have it in you. I want you to try harder. Figure out how you can throw me off balance.” I stroll a couple of feet, picking up my pace. “If you were being taken, you wouldn’t think about the possibility of getting hurt. You’d do anything you could.”

Kinsey groans and remains placid for another minute, but I don’t stop. The only way I will ever put her down at this point is if she forces me to. I can run for a long time and not get tired. She’s got to be uncomfortable, though. My shoulder is not exactly soft.

Kinsey finally wiggles again, but she doesn’t hit me. Instead, she manages to snatch the back of my shirt and twists my collar, pulling the fabric so tight that she chokes me. I expected her to try to punch me just right. I never expected this. I grab the shirt, trying to rip it free. She takes advantage of my slowing stride, managing to kick her leg up and knee me in the side of the head only to reposition herself, squeezing my neck with her legs. And then she locks her arms around my waist and throws all of her weight backward, bending her body with enough force that I have to either drop her or land on top of her.

I let her go, and she flips, managing to plant her feet on the mat. She charges me before I have a chance to spin, jamming her shoulder right into my lower back and sending me sprawling.

I lie face down in total shock. I didn’t teach her this move. She managed to overpower me and take me down. Holy shit. My cock throbs at how sexy she is in this moment. I’m not usually one to be dominated, but I love how she figured out how to defend herself.

“Wilder? Are you okay?” Her soft voice draws my attention as her shadow falls next to me.

I clear my throat, keeping my voice deep. “Yeah, brat-girl. I’m just a little—”

She lands on my back, sliding her arm around my neck, yanking my hair, stretching me up to look at her. I gasp as pain steals my breath, her knees digging into my spine.

“How about now?” Her lips curve in a smile, her eyes flashing with a new wickedness I want to devour. “Are you ready to call mercy?”

I break my hand free and jerk it up, trying to snatch her wrist, but she throws herself forward, smashing my face into the mat. Her knees shift then she pins me with her thighs, her scent engulfing me.

“You can’t escape me now. Now beg for mercy. Who’s your alpha now?” She laughs with her words, her comment goading me on.

“You’re in so much trouble, brat-girl.” I try to break my hand free again, but she snatches my arm and twists, sending a shocking pain up to my shoulder.