“Absolutely. Jarvis frequented the Vixen Lounge and bought access to one of the traveling omega entertainers. He hadn’t returned her before Tamsin died. Anita knew how to contact her.” Desmond shakes out his fingers, loosening his muscles.

I twist my mouth, sucking on the inside of my cheek. “Oh.” I had no idea.

I don’t know what else to say. My emotions get the best of me, and I stare at my hands, using my index fingers to rub the glittery nail polish on my thumbs. How many more omegas are lost to the Knotty Girl’s life because they no longer have Tamsin to bring them back? My heart aches, feeling like it slides in my stomach.

Wilder climbs into the back from behind the wheel. He crawls to me, sitting in the corner in the small space beside one of the empty safes. There is no room for him to fit in what Enzo deemed my comfy cubby hole, so he latches onto my ankles and slides me out, the pillow slipping with me.

“We’ll find every unbonded omega in our region. I promise. As for the ones bonded, we’re going to ensure they’re happy, safe, and where they want to be. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.” Wilder brushes his lips to mine, kissing me softly. It’s as if he can read my mind, and I’m grateful that he knows me enough to reassure me without me having to voice my concerns. It’s not always easy. My mouth dries at the thought of even trying to tell him every damn thing threatening to leave me spiraling.

Wilder’s phone vibrates, the sound buzzing from his jacket pocket. He ignores it to kiss me longer, and it takes Desmond smacking his hand on the metal door to get him to pull away. My heart flutters at the scent of his vetiver and woody fragrance, his closeness stirring my deep-seated nature.

I snatch him by the neck, locking him in place. I don’t want even an inch of space between us. The thought tears through me, and I whimper, my body warming even as I shiver. Widening my eyes, I stare at Wilder, my good senses fighting against my body’s reaction to his closeness. He flares his nostrils, purring deep in his throat, the noise quaking through me right to my clit.

Shit. My body demands attention.

“Shit,” Wilder murmurs, once again, seemingly to hear my thoughts. “We have to—”

A gunshot startles me, knocking the sense back into me. Desmond aims his gun a second time, pulling the trigger. “It’s security!”

“Arsenio, drive!” Wilder commands, pulling away from me, watching Arsenio move from the passenger’s seat to behind the wheel. “Enzo, Desmond. Take them out! If they call us in, it’ll ruin the element of surprise and endanger our team behind enemy lines.”

Arsenio stomps the throttle as Enzo jumps from the back, slamming the door closed in the process. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing he and Desmond wouldn’t have abandoned us to take down the security. They already feel so far away, though I know we’d never leave them.

“Head north and turn right. The underground access to Jarvis’s garage shouldn’t be far. The guards have been subdued.” Wilder squeezes my hands between his, still refusing to move even an inch away. “Enzo and Desmond can draw the focus on them, so we can sneak in as soon as we get the word. The omega is meeting us. She’ll be the one slipping Jarvis the tranquilizer.”

My heartbeat thuds wildly, bouncing around as much as the armored car driving over a curb and onto rougher terrain. I pull Enzo’s hoodie closer to me, bringing it to my nose to inhale a deep breath. It only helps a little.

“Here, Kinsey. Take this.” Wilder shrugs off his jacket, draping it over me. I bury my nose in it, scooting back into my cubby nest even more. Having everything snuggled around me makes me feel safer, calmer. Protected. “Good, brat-girl. Just focus on me. We’ll be out of here in no time.”

It’s all I can hope for.

“Maybe we should give her a suppressant pill,” Arsenio says, speaking up from over his shoulder. “It could help.”

“It’s too late. I just need time for my hormones to balance out on their own. We mated. I don’t want to risk anything.” I lick my lips, squirming in my spot, wishing I were at home in the nest I made for this. It was more comfortable. Full of everything I love and things that smell like all my guys. “But I’m okay. I’m not in any pain or suffering. I’m just...still fucking horny as hell. I’m a bit hungry. Tired.”

“I have her bag stashed in the safe across from you. It’s open.” Arsenio turns the vehicle, and I bump against the wall separating the front. There’s only a small walkway from the cabin that can lock at a moment’s notice.

“I packed a bag too.” Wilder reaches behind him, pulling what looks like a lunchbox from under the seat next to the safe. “Lots of protein for energy. I had a feeling you might just pack all the sweets. I know that was Enzo’s plan.”

“I have to give my sugar what she likes,” Arsenio says, his voice remaining even. He doesn’t have to raise his voice for me to know that he might be a little annoyed that Wilder thought he wouldn’t properly pack things for me. “But I also made her a cheese and meat platter. Plenty of protein.”

My stomach growls, and I flick my gaze to Wilder and back to my stomach. “I want that.”

He raises his eyebrow, opening the lunchbox to reveal that he also had the same idea as his brother, pulling out different meats and cheeses along with some fruit instead of the cookies I know are most likely hidden in what Arsenio made me.

I narrow my eyes, pressing my lips together.

“You can have the dessert after. I want you to eat this up now. You need your energy.” Wilder takes the initiative and lifts a cube of cheddar cheese before wrapping a circle of salami around it. He brings it to my mouth, watching me with such intensity as I carefully, slowly take a bite. And then I bite again, grabbing his fingers between my teeth, playfully giving him a bit of my wild side.

He grunts and yanks his hand away. “You brat.”

Arsenio chuckles. “She doesn’t like to be fed. She bit you, didn’t she?”

I grin as I chew and grab the container from him, popping a few more cubes of cheese into my mouth. “I would be here forever if I let you feed me. You guys are always fixated on my damn mouth. I just want to eat.”

Wilder play-growls and scrubs his fingers through my hair, messing up the strands. “You can feed yourself that. But the dessert—”

“Will be my reward for bringing it,” Arsenio says, cutting off his brother. “Now get up here, Wilder. I need your eyes. We just got the alert.”