“I’m not sure I should leave you and Kinsey alone. So, you need to get Wilder and Desmond. Okay? I’ll stay here with King Winston.” Arsenio steps away, leaving a cool space on my back. I want nothing more than to beg him to come closer again.

I whimper, the sound pathetic and automatic, my very being craving what my mind denies. “I want to go with you. I know you want to keep me from the king, but I want to face him now. I want him to know how messed up it was of him to do this. I want him to know that he was the one in the wrong. Let me do this. Please. I think I’m ready.”

Arsenio doesn’t speak, and I can sense his gaze locking on Enzo even though I don’t face him. The two of them have a silent conversation, probably wishing that they could have a second alone to discuss things, but neither of them will leave me.

“Please,” I repeat, twisting my torso to do my best to look at Arsenio.

He stares at the ground, wringing his hands together. “Are you sure, sugar? You said you were going to kill him if you saw him.”

I shake my head, sweeping my hair back and forth. “I thought that’s what I wanted, but I know you’ll take care of me and handle it. I trust you guys as my alphas.”

Enzo holds me out, his body rigid. “The only way I’ll go get the others is if you give our girl what she needs right now.”

Arsenio hesitates, scratching his arms. “I just don’t know if this is a good idea. She’s been through a lot, brother. As soon as the adrenaline wears off—”

“We will deal with it. There’s going to be a lot of fucking aftercare today.” Enzo hands me over to Arsenio. “Just give her this. Give it to her, and I’ll return as fast as I can to handle the aftermath.”

Arsenio swallows, the noise audible as his Adam’s apple bounces. “Fuck. If this is what you really want, Kinsey, then fine. But at the first sign of panic or distress, I’m taking you out of there. Do you understand? I’m not playing with your mental health after everything.”

I press my lips together, trying to keep my body in control. “Yes. I’m sorry that I’m putting you in this position, but please. It’s the only thing that’s going to help me move past this. I never got the chance to face my uncle after what he did to me and my parents. I’m haunted by that. I don’t want to be haunted by this too.”

Arsenio adjusts me in his arms, ensuring that I wrap my legs around him to hug him close. Enzo doesn’t say anything as he moves away from us, running to find Wilder, Desmond, and Holly. I hide my face against Arsenio’s shoulder, breathing in and out slowly, getting my racing heart to finally settle. I’ve always been afraid of monsters. I’ve been afraid of brutal alphas and all leaders on the Pack Regimes of Saint Vista. But right now? I’m so angry that fear doesn’t touch me anymore.

I will not give King Winston that sort of satisfaction. I’m stronger than that. I’ve already been broken and shattered on many levels but I have rebuilt myself stronger than ever. Arsenio is now a steel wall around my concrete body, protecting me in a way that I have needed, and my parents had always wanted.

Knocking on the door, Arsenio calls out to the staff that it’s him. I squeeze my eyes shut, listening to the commotion as one of the nurses opens the door. Machines hum and the staff chatters with each other, ignoring the beeps of all of the medical equipment.

“Is he stable enough to talk to?” Arsenio asks, shifting me onto his hip so that I can get a better view of the room.

My blood cools seeing King Winston sprawled on a table, his body exposed apart from a sheet covering his genitals. There’s blood everywhere, covering everyone, and it looks like the king has been shot more than once in the chest.

“He is. We’re cleaning out the wounds. I do suggest that we sedate him soon.” A man in full medical gear with a face shield and mask stands beside the bed. “It’ll be better than the local anesthesia and restraints. We’ll no longer have to monitor his consciousness and worry about if he will wake up.”

“My son...” King Winston’s voice draws my attention. “Get away. I declare you—”

Arsenio rushes forward. “Everyone out. Now!” Pointing at the door, Arsenio motions to the staff. “I will take it from here.”

The surgeon doesn’t move. “I suggest—”

Arsenio pulls out his gun. “Out!”

He fires it at the wall, startling everyone. They flee the room in fear, not wanting to find out if Arsenio is as brutal as his father. Slamming the door, Arsenio glowers, stiffening with his rage. If I didn’t grab his chin, forcing him to look at me, I’m sure he’d snap and finish what Enzo wanted to start.

“Let me talk to him,” I say, leaning in close, breathing against his mouth.

He slowly nods his head as he sets me on my feet. “I won’t allow him to talk back.” He shuffles forward, standing over King Winston. Slapping his hand over his mouth, he ensures he won’t speak. “Listen carefully, Winston. If you try to disown and banish me again, especially with witnesses, you’ll regret it more than you regret ever having me.”

The king remains silent, his eyes narrow and his forehead wrinkled.

“Go on, Kinsey. Speak your mind.” Arsenio holds my gaze.

I lick my lips, curling my fingers in, digging my nails into my palms. I open my mouth, finding my nerve, but a machine blares. King Winston’s eyes roll to the back of his head.

His vitals flatline.

Chapter three
