I rest on Wilder’s lap as he hugs me, acting as a seatbelt. “I did what I had to. And it wasn’t luck. It was fate that the princes of Gilded Sands found me. They technically kidnapped me.”

“That’s what my dreams are made of. Getting kidnapped by delectable alpha princes and having them take care of me the way I truly want.” Anita keeps her hands on her lap, ensuring that she doesn’t touch Wilder by accident. It’s a show of respect, making sure the boundary is clear to me that she’s not going to try anything. Because that was kind of a thing at the Vixen Lounge. The Gorgeous Girls sometimes fought over which alpha they got to be with. It was a competition. Whoever was the favorite always got the best of everything, including the sweet side of Madame Tamsin.

“Well, hopefully your dreams will be a bit different now. No kidnapping. We’re going to create our own club and sanctuary. When we take out who is necessary, we’re going to create a place where omegas get to judge and look over alphas instead. They’ll have to apply to even be considered.” I grin, meeting Desmond’s gaze in the rearview mirror. I have it all planned out in my head, and I can’t wait to sit down to truly work out all the details. After taking the Vixen Lounge, we have at least two dozen omegas that now get to decide their fate. And there will be more. I know it.

“Sounds like a Knotty Alpha Club. Sounds amazing, Kinsey.” Bouncing in her seat, she shows she’s far less afraid than the nest of omegas that the guys brought to the fortress. It really demonstrates the extreme difference between packs and their plans. The female alphas are always nicer—but even more brutal when things don’t go their way.

“More like a Knotty Princes Club. Every omega can find their prince, regardless of status and order.” I lean forward and touch Desmond’s arm. “What do you think? Sounds like a great name, right?”

Enzo chuckles. “An excellent name. I can’t wait to be your knotty fucking prince. Your knotty king.”

“As soon as we finish the job. We have a lot of work to do, brothers.” Arsenio brings us back to reality, sitting beside Desmond in the front seat. “Are you sure the current leaders are the Demon Knights, Anita?”

She bobs her head. “Absolutely. I was just with Makario yesterday. He’s been around more and more, waiting for a couple of us to go into heat. Madame Tamsin agreed to breed us in exchange to ally our packs so she can kick Mr. Donahue out and take over his drug ring.”

Wilder groans. “Well, that man will have to thank us. We took care of all of his problems. And now we’re going to seize the Gutter District completely.”

Arsenio hits the button on his radio. “Jude, do you copy? Head right at the end of the block. I need you to set off the explosives in two minutes. We need the pack to come outside.”

“Copy that, king. We’re all set. The entire place is surrounded. We have snipers everywhere. We will pick them off as they come out, and then you can head in.” Jude’s voice sounds on the radio.

“Good. Let’s finish this.” Arsenio twists in his seat. “Sugar, you’re going to stay here with Anita and Desmond. We’re going to be in and out.”

I lick my lips and reach out, squeezing his hand. “Be safe and quick so we can hurry up and get home.”

An explosion booms through the air, lighting up the night sky a block away. Desmond pulls to the curb and parks the car, hitting the unlock button. His brothers rush out without waiting, and another explosion rings out, shaking the vehicle. I cover my ears protectively and stare out the windshield.

Wilder, Enzo, and Arsenio rush forward, their silhouettes haloed in fire and smoke as they head in to finish the battle.

My soul soars. I can’t believe this is truly happening. We have taken everything into our own hands, and the world really is burning around us.

And from the ashes, we will rebuild.

The Pack Regimes will fall.

Saint Vista is ours.

Chapter eighteen


No Mercy


Pulling the trigger, I silence Makario with a bullet to the head. No mercy. That is our rule when it comes to our enemies. They wouldn’t grant it to us either.

My chest clenches as his body falls, joining the rest of his dead pack. Tamsin must’ve not told the alpha leader that she was starting a war that would end with them on the ground before us. If we had given them a chance, they would’ve regretted every damn decision they made.

If only I got the satisfaction of hearing them beg and plea and offer whatever they had to try to convince us to leave them alone.

Wilder pats me on my back. “We’re done here. Set up a video call. We need to act fast and send a warning to the Pack Regimes. Jude verified that the warning explosives were ready. This will be our formal announcement that things are changing, and we will not tolerate the old ways. This will give us a chance to see who our allies really are.”

I dip my chin in confirmation and pull out my phone, calling the emergency line that will ring the entire leadership at once. It’s a call that they would never decline.

It’s a call for war.

We have been planning for this day since the moment we decided we were going to take control and steal the reign of Gilded Sands from our father. We’ve been stealing arsenals for months and working with those who are against the Pack Regimes. We’re not the only ones who want change. Some just want power, but as long as we can control them, things will go in our favor.