“Let’s just say that I’m going to stop ignoring you guys and start interrupting. What do you think? Wilder will help me pack my bags with that plan, right?” Holly picks out two other dresses she wants me to try on first, and the quiet attendant helping us takes them to ready the room.

I haven’t been into the downtown area of Gilded Sands except for in passing, and excitement buzzes through me every time I look out the wall of windows, giving me a view of the jacaranda tree-lined streets. I spot Enzo and Arsenio standing near the door with their backs toward us. No bodyguard apart from themselves will do, and while they could’ve had all the dresses brought to the palace, Desmond insisted we go out and not unintentionally imprison ourselves. He thought it would help settle my emotions after the confrontation with the omegas, and he was absolutely right.

“Don’t worry, Kins. They won’t peek. The final dress will be a surprise.” Holly rubs her hand between my shoulder blades. “Now, let’s see how dazzling you look, my gorgeous soon-to-be sister. I can’t wait.” Holly guides me toward the grand changing area with a long curtain the attendant pulls across, blocking the street view.

“Would either of you like a glass of champagne?” the beta woman asks, motioning to a bottle chilled over ice. “Coffee or water? The princes insisted on catering dessert as well if you’re hungry. We’re closed to the public for the rest of the day, so please, enjoy yourselves.”

“Coffee sounds amazing.” Holly skips past me to a lace-clothed table with an assortment of cake slices, brownies, and pie. She fills a plate with more sweets than either of us can eat and brings it to the sleek couch with a coffee table in front of it.

I nod at the woman. “Same for me. I could use a dose of liquid energy after this week.”

“You poor dear. I heard about what happened at King Winston’s funeral. What an inappropriate time for your pack to interrupt and demand what was owed. Platinum Shores was supposed to be a new haven for betas, according to those who support your brothers. Now...” The woman snaps her mouth shut. “My apologies. How improper of me to bring such negativity into what’s supposed to be a joyous occasion.”

I sigh and busy my mouth with a bite of frosted lemon cake. I should’ve known that the people of Gilded Sands would talk. This affects more than just my guys and our immediate pack. Those who reside in the territory live by the laws in place, even if they don’t carry the Gilded Sands name, which many don’t. Betas outnumber alphas by a lot.

“It’s fine, Ms. Lissa. You don’t have to worry about anything. My brothers won’t let the new part of our territory fail in vain. Desmond will still get it, I’m sure.” She lowers her voice. “As long as we get the support we need. That’s what the Silversteins told me.”

I bump Holly’s shoulder, subtly shaking my head. I don’t know how close she is to this woman, but the last thing we need is for her to go announcing things we can’t be certain of.

“Rumor also says that your brothers have picked out a proper pack for you—one of great power. The Silversteins will be disappointed when they find out. I also heard they’re quite smitten for you.” The attendant pouts out her bottom lip. “I’m sure they know what they’re doing, though. A princess should only bond with a leader from the Pack Regimes.”

Holly bristles, sitting up straighter. She opens and closes her mouth, trying to come up with something to say. Swiveling on the seat, she glances at the curtain and back to the woman. “Where did you hear such preposterous things?”

“Your name was available in the registry.” Ms. Lissa rubs her hands together. “I’m sorry. I thought you knew.”

Holly hops to her feet. “Excuse me a moment.”

I get to my feet to follow her. “Holly, wait. I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding.”

“Which I need to immediately clear up. I’ll be right back. Why don’t you try on the first dress?” Holly doesn’t give me a chance to respond as she bolts out the front door to confront her brothers.

I scrub my hands over my cheeks, listening to her voice sound out even through the glass door. It takes everything in me not to follow her, but I suddenly just want to hurry and pick out a dress. My fear instincts prickle, now being alone with this beta. Why would she bring up such things? It was like she was purposefully trying to get under our skin, and it worked.

“This way, Ms. Kinsey. I have the changing room all ready for you.” Ms. Lissa opens the wooden door to a large changing area with wall-to-wall mirrors. The dresses hang neatly on hooks, and she has several pairs of shoes and veils ready for me as well.

I turn my attention back to the curtain, hoping to spot Holly to wave her in, but she’s just out of view. All I can see is Enzo’s tall frame outlined in sunlight.

“Don’t be shy, dear. If you would like me to step out, I will, but it would be much easier if you let me help you. There isn’t anything I haven’t seen.” Ms. Lissa crosses her arms and takes a step back, giving me a once-over.

I stiffen at her words, the sudden nerves bunching my muscles. I don’t know what it is, but I need to get out of here.

“Let’s try on the amethyst one first. I saw how your eyes lit up with it.” She touches the flouncy fabric that will twirl out with my movements.

I suck in a long, deep breath, slowly unbuttoning my blouse, taking my time, praying that Holly returns soon. I want her to be the one to help me. She should be the one to see me before the attendant does. All she was to do was be ready to make adjustments, giving us time to do things as we please.

“Here, let me help you. Your fingers are shaking. You must be so excited to be bonding with royalty.” Ms. Lissa grabs the hem of my shirt and starts unfastening my buttons.

I recoil at her touch, bringing my hands up to my face protectively. And then I catch a strange scent. It’s different from when we first arrived. I can’t put my finger on it because it’s so subtle, but I’m starting to believe this woman isn’t truly who she says she is.

My eyes widen, and I yank away from her, looking for my purse that I left on the couch. I didn’t think it would be necessary to hide a weapon on my person, considering I’d be changing in and out of dresses with my guys outside.

I spin again, trying to dodge around her, but she charges me and pushes me against the wall. Covering my mouth with her hand, she silences any sort of scream that can escape my lips.

“Calm down, Kinsey. I’m not going to hurt you. All I have for you is a message that you need to pass along to your alphas. Now listen carefully. Your pack took some things that don’t belong to you. You need to return them to the Gutter District, where they belong. They were already claimed by a handler that was preparing them for the Devil Lands. She wants them back. If you don’t comply, she’ll ensure that the Pack Regimes know about the illegal activities your alphas have been up to. They’ll be stripped of power and outcast from Saint Vista.” Ms. Lissa flares her nostrils as she takes a step back.

I realize that she’s not a beta. There’s no way. I think she might be an omega. Her suppressant pills are wearing off, and her high emotions are triggering her pheromones.

Or maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s my alphas outside. I don’t really know, and I don’t really care. All I care about is the threat she wants to be passed along for...it has to be fucking Madame Tamsin. She’s the only one who ever used the Devil Lands as a threat. She’s the only handler in the Gutter District. And now, she has it out for us. She’s embarrassed that she was put in her place and made to beg for forgiveness from me.