I swallow, my nerves twisting my stomach. I never planned to see King Winston again. He should be locked in the dungeon where he belongs and not out and about, within reach of several of his allies.

With my thoughts, I break my gaze away from Wilder and peek around him, spotting King Winston in a wheelchair with Arsenio pushing him. Hunched forward and pale-faced, he looks like he’s on his deathbed. It somehow makes me feel a bit better. I hope he regrets all his life choices. Knowing him, he probably only regrets failing. The fucker.

Wilder laces his fingers through my hair, gripping close to my scalp to turn my head back to him. The subtle gesture sends a shiver through me, his pheromones getting to me in the best way. It triggers my omega nature, and instead of fighting against it, I give in.

“I told you not to look at him, my brat. You’re lucky I can’t spank you for disobeying.” His voice rumbles with his deep voice, and he leans in and crashes his mouth to mine, lifting me up and carrying me toward the edge of the stage.

“I think this is enough of a show. Let’s fucking party and celebrate our new reign. Expect invitations to our ceremony to bond with Kinsey. She deserves the world and not some half-assed declaration here!” Enzo’s voice roars through the speakers, booming through the room.

I break away from Wilder and watch as he strides toward Arsenio and grabs the wheelchair. Our eyes meet, and he winks at me, pushing Winston out of the spotlight.

Wilder tries to steal my attention again, but I can’t keep my eyes off the king. Enzo leans into him and whispers something. The king whips his head up and grabs onto Enzo’s waist. He grabs a gun so fast that Enzo doesn’t have a chance to take it back. But he doesn’t even try.

The gunfire pops through the air, ringing in my ears, and the crowd scatters as Winston aims the gun again at Enzo. His shaking hand makes it impossible to get a good shot, and Enzo dodges around him.

“You’re dead! You’re all dead!” Winston pulls the trigger again, sending a bullet in the direction of the crowd. People scream, and Wilder spins around protectively, using his body as a shield.

I cling to him, my heart racing. I don’t understand. I know that my guys are now on high alert. The king should’ve never gotten Enzo’s gun. It’s almost as if he allowed it.

“I’m going to beat the shit out of him,” Wilder mutters, his fingers digging into my ass. “He’s in so much trouble.”

I was right. This wasn’t accidental.

I wiggle in Wilder’s arms, peeking over his shoulder as Enzo grabs onto the back of Winston’s wheelchair and yanks it over, sending him sprawling to the floor. The gun falls from his hand and clatters on the floor.

Snatching it up, Enzo snarls. “Traitor!” Enzo yells, aiming his gun at Winston. “You’re guilty of treason, trying to murder our best ally. I order the death sentence. Do you agree, brothers?”

I open and close my mouth, shock cooling my blood.

“As the leaders of our pack and within our territory in Saint Vista, we call upon our closest allies to take a vote.” Arsenio adjusts his jacket and strides closer to Enzo.

“I vote yes. He’s no longer fit for any further decision-making. He has brought nothing but turmoil to our territory. His actions speak volumes today. It is in his duty to pass on the reign of power to those capable when he is not.” This comes from Beckett, the alpha and leader of the Silverstein Pack. I hadn’t even realized he was here. “Who is with me?”

The crowd roars with their agreement, and I realize how hated Winston truly is. All of this was just for show. And Enzo took advantage to get his revenge. To get revenge for all of us and to make a point.

“Close your eyes, Kinsey. This wasn’t supposed to happen with you here. Close your eyes.” Wilder shifts one of his hands to cover my ear, but I can’t look away.

I need to see this. I need to see the outcome.

“You heard them, you fucking bastard. You’re sentenced to death by my hand. May you burn in Hell.” Enzo doesn’t hesitate as he pulls the trigger and shoots his father in the head.

I startle and jerk in Wilder’s arms, but I still watch. I need to make sure the king is truly dead and out of my life. This solidifies everything. My pack mates are officially the rulers of this territory.

Gilded Sands and Platinum Shores are ours.

I can finally breathe easily. We can move on with our lives and have the future we want.

Silence fills the ballroom. Enzo swivels toward the crowd and gives a sharp nod.

Instead of turning into a somber occasion, everyone cheers. This is a celebration, after all. We’re celebrating a new order. A new kingdom.

Who knew that death could bring such happiness?

Such a relief.

“Kinsey, are you okay?” Wilder asks, adjusting me in his arms until he can look in my eyes.

I slowly nod my head as everything fully sinks in. “I’m better than okay. I’m perfect. Please carry me to your brothers. I want this moment to be all of ours.”