Arsenio: You sure? I can stay and help you.

Me: I’m good, brother. I want you to take the day off. Enjoy our success. You know I’m too high-strung for that shit.

Arsenio: We’re going to have to work on that.

Me: Tomorrow. Take our girl shopping. Let her get everything she wants.

Arsenio: Got it. Don’t stress out. We have your back.

Me: I know.

I tuck my phone away and bring up all the paperwork that transfers power from my father to me. The Pack Regimes of Saint Vista approved the transition, and it’s official. I’m now the leader of Gilded Sands.

Platinum Shores will be next.

I quickly send Calico Proper an email with my claim to the territory and abandon my computer, hoping I don’t have to deal with any more of this bullshit for a few days. It’s expected for our pack to close down our territory while we get everything together.

I stare around my office, realizing that I’m procrastinating. It’s unlike me to not stay on top of things, but I also can’t stand the thought of facing Winston again. But I don’t want Arsenio to know. I need to be strong for all of us. He doesn’t need that sort of burden.

Gathering my nerves, I stride from the study and head downstairs to where we’ve set up a medical wing to prevent having to transport our father and risk him coming up with some sort of plan to retaliate. He’ll be cut off from all communications and a prisoner in our palace until the announcement. We’ll ensure he knows what it’s like to be less than. I want him to regret all his life choices. To regret ever thinking that Holly, and Kinsey, for that matter, are just possessions to be sold or traded.

My anger clouds my vision, and I stop outside of the door, wondering how I even made it here. It’s as if my body acted instinctually, bringing me to where I needed to go while allowing me to lose myself in my thoughts.

Soft voices trickle through the door. I hesitate for only a moment before turning the knob and cracking the door open. Aunt Melina and Jude look up at me. Aunt Melina stands by the head of Winston’s bed, leaning over and petting his hair. Jude stands in the corner, looking at his phone. He offers me a waning smile, his eyes duller than I’m used to. It probably has to do with the attack. He’s going to grow up real fast the next few months while we adjust.

“Why don’t you two take a break?” I leave the door open behind me, nodding my head and its direction.

Jude glances at Aunt Melina. “That’s a good idea, Mama. How about we get something to eat?”

Aunt Melina doesn’t respond right away, looking into Winston’s eyes for a long moment. He doesn’t acknowledge my existence, but I know he’s aware. He’s purposely ignoring me.

Jude gives up on trying to get his mom to go and closes the space to me. Leaning in, he whispers, “I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth.”

I sigh and pat him on the back. “I’ll have a talk with her later.”

Jude leaves without another word, respecting me as his new leader. He trusts that I’ll handle the situation. While Aunt Melina is his mother, it’s my duty to inform our entire pack of the circumstances.

I shuffle forward, keeping my head held high. My father tries to intimidate me, even lying down, his sudden scowl stabbing into me as if his eyes can shoot knives.

I drape my arm over Aunt Melina’s shoulders. “I know you’re worried about Winston, but he’s going to be fine. Why don’t you go pick out a dress for the coronation ceremony? I would love it if you stood in place of my mother.”

Tears fill Aunt Melina’s eyes. “What? Are you sure, Wilder?”

I lean down and rest my head against her temple. “Absolutely. My omega might need some direction as well.”

A guttural groan sounds from my father, drawing my attention to him. I whip my gaze in his direction, meeting his glower with my own.

Aunt Melina misses or purposely ignores our silent confrontation, because she leans forward and touches Winston’s cheek. In any other moment, the action would be one of compassion. But right now, Winston considers it an act of power because of his current status.

He snatches her wrist and squeezes them tightly. “I command you to call my army. My treacherous sons have been cut off from our pack. They’re taking advantage of my current state. If you don’t, you will face the consequences.”

Aunt Melina screams out, trying to yank her hand away. Winston tightens his hold, and I’m afraid he’ll break her wrist.

I pull out my knife and point it at him. “Release her. You’re in distress and confused, father.”

“Blasphemy!” He ignores my blade and twists.

So, I swipe my dagger along his arm, cutting him enough to get him to release my aunt.